Pinon Park Pool Opens This Weekend: Annual Memberships Available (2024)

Pinon Park Pool Opens This Weekend: Annual Memberships Available (1)

Pinon Park Pool Board President Neil Stoddard thanks the volunteer Board of Directors, Pool Manager and staff for their service as the Pinon Park Pool prepares to open this weekend. The program hopes to increase the sale of annual memberships to keep the pool as a community resource. They welcome newcomers to the community to come meet new friends. Courtesy photo


Sunday, may have both kids and adults singing portions of the1963 Andy Williams song, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Why you might ask? Well, it is also the hap-happiest season of all, with parties for hosting, but these are all due to the fact that the outdoor pools are opening!

While local dad Neil Stoddard has been going with his family to the PPP (Pinon Park Pool), for 10 years, for the last 3 years, he has been the Board President. This is his second term on the board and he also has served in the roles of Vice President and Treasurer.

His concern this year is that if pools don’t add new people to their membership roster, the local pools could be in jeopardy of closing.

“The Board is focused on ensuring the pool is ready for each season,” Stoddard said. “This includes makingsure we have enough life guards, the pool water is clean and clear, and everything runs smoothly so our members can just relax and enjoy their summer.”

Plans for the Pinon Park Pool include barbeques on most Saturday nights. The pool has volunteers who set up and cook hamburgers and hot dogs so families can come enjoy swimming and have dinner at the pool. They’re discussing plans for floating movies, a big 4thof July party, games and a biggest splash contest. Rumor has it that Stoddard once won the biggest splash contest and not only for his winning personality. The PPP also hosts parties for member birthdays and graduation.

The Pinon Park Pool board believes it to be the oldest pool in the community, after celebrating a 50thanniversary some years back. They would love to hear from any of the original members and reconnect with those they haven’t seen in a while. Of course, new members are always welcome and Stoddard and his fellow board members are happy to answer any questions.

Memberships can be individuals, couples or families and there are 37 memberships on the roster at this time. The membership number usually averages 60 and will increase as the season arrives.

“We have been able to stay afloat financially with 60 memberships,” Stoddard said, but with the cost of everything rising, we need closer to 90 memberships to make it through the season.”

There are three levels of membership all lasting one year.A single adult is $363, a family of two is $453, a family of three is $514 and a family of 4+ is $600. There is also a work fee of $125 that can be returned if the family volunteers seven hours to the pool. The volunteer hours can include, working a Saturday BBQ, preseason or post season work days, cleaning up around the pool, mowing the yard, and just about anything that helps the pool.

The benefits of becoming a member are many, starting with the fact that the pool is a community within the community of White Rock.Friends and families gather together to connect, and it is commonly heard that the pool is normally not crowded, leaving lots of room to play, swim laps, jump off the driving board, or go down a slide.

“There are times where it’s like having a private oasis,” Stoddard said. “You can soak up the sun with a good book or podcast between dips to cool off while alongside or even on a float in the clear water makes you forget that you’re not on vacation—this is real life!” The PPP memberships come with guest passes so you can bring visiting friends and family.

The Board ofDirectors is happy to allow someone to try out the pool for a day, during the first two weeks of the season.They offer water aerobics up to three times a week and you don’t have to be a member to join the class.

The PPP is in real danger of having to close their doors as costs of utilities, wages and an aging facility are out pacing the revenue coming in, but the community has found many new families moving into the Happiest Small Town in the USA. The board would like to welcome new arrivals to come for a visit as the season begins this weekend.

“We as a Board are open to try anything and everything to keep the pool open,” Stoddard said.“Our membership has been dwindling each year, with people moving away and we understand that families have to make decisions on when and where to spend their money.”

Stoddard assures the community that the PPP has a great team for this year and they are running on all cylinders.

To learn more about joining, you can check out their website, which at the moment is under renovation, but welcomes you to stop by or drop them an email. The pool is open starting May 25 and they’re open daily from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and again 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. on Sundays.You can emailmembership@pinonpool.comfor more information and/or forms.


Pinon Park Pool Opens This Weekend: Annual Memberships Available (2024)
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