(PDF) Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the sensitive determination of arylamide–deoxynucleoside adducts - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the sensitive determination of arylamide–deoxynucleoside adducts - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and time-of-¯ightmass spectrometry for the sensitive determination of

arylamide±deoxynucleoside adducts

M. Paul Chiarelli*, Xiaomei Gu, Allison A. Aldridge, HuaPing Wu

Dept. of Chemistry, Loyola University, 6525 N Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626, USA

Received 19 September 1997; received in revised form 19 December 1997; accepted 8 January 1998


Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and time-of-¯ight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) are tested for the

determination of arylamide adducts of deoxyguanosine. Fifteen matrices were tested for the sensitive determination of N-

(guanosin-8-yl)-2-acetylamino¯uorene, (dG-C8-AAF), a compound whose structure is representative of carcinogen±DNA

adducts formed by nitroaromatic and arylamine carcinogens. Eight matrices allow adduct detection when 560 fmole or less is

introduced into the TOFMS. Two matrices, a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) and mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT),

promoted adduct detection when 56 fmol or less of adduct is introduced into the TOFMS. The other seven matrices did not

permit dG-C8-AAF adduct detection at the low pmol level. In all determinations the limit of detection (LOD) is based on the

nucleic acid±arylamide, BH�2 fragment ion formed by the cleavage of the glycosidic bond. The relation between matrix

structure and the mechanism of analyte ionization is discussed as well. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

1. Introduction

The study of carcinogen-modi®ed deoxynucleo-

sides is motivated by the belief that these compounds

are formed in the genesis of cancer. The covalent

attachment of a metabolized carcinogen to a DNA

molecule can induce misreplication(s) in the DNA

strand that may eventually give rise to the formation of

tumors [1]. The structural analysis of carcinogen-

modi®ed DNA derived from in vivo sources is dif®cult

because these molecules are formed in such small

quantities. Analytical methods possessing the sensi-

tivity to detect such low levels of adducts, e.g., 32P-

postlabeling combined with TLC and immunoassays

[2], provide little or no structural information regard-

ing unknown adducts. As a consequence, many DNA

adducts that have been isolated from human sources

have unknown structures. The analysis of adducts

isolated from human sources with analytical metho-

dology based on mass spectrometry may yield insight

into the identity of otherwise unknown environmental

genotoxins as well as mechanisms of carcinogenesis

(metabolism and DNA adduct formation) implied by

speci®c adduct structures. Several mechanisms of

carcinogen metabolism in route to DNA modi®cation

in humans have been suggested [1], however, identi-

fying those primarily responsible for human DNA

modi®cation may require adduct detection and pro-

Analytica Chimica Acta 368 (1998) 1±9

*Corresponding author.

0003-2670/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

P I I S 0 0 0 3 - 2 6 7 0 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 7 6 - 2

(PDF) Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the sensitive determination of arylamide–deoxynucleoside adducts - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

duct ion analysis at the attomole±fmol level depending

upon the tissue from which the DNA is extracted and

the quantity of DNA isolated. The focus in this study

are those DNA adducts formed by arylamine and

nitroaromatic compounds that are metabolized to an

N-hydroxy intermediate and bind to DNA predomi-

nantly at the C8 position of guanine.

Applications of mass spectrometry to the analysis

of DNA damage in humans have been restricted to the

analysis of targeted analytes [3±5]. Most attempts to

detect unknown DNA adducts with structural infor-

mation have been based on fast atom bombardment

(FAB) and tandem mass spectrometry [6]. However,

the LODs associated with methods based on FAB have

not been low enough to obtain structural information

from DNA adducts isolated from human sources. The

coupling of electrospray ionization (ESI) with tandem

MS methods may allow for the structural character-

ization of unknown DNA adducts isolated from

humans. The coupling of capillary chromatography

with ESI has provided low fmol level LODs for

aromatic DNA adducts [7,8]. It is anticipated that

re®nements in the ESI process (e.g., nanospray) that

have enabled sequencing of large peptides at the fmol

level [9] will enable tandem MS determinations of

unknown DNA adducts isolated from humans. In one

study, nanospray ionization coupled with tandem

quadrupole MS permitted product ion analysis of a

diglycidyl ether adduct of deoxyguanosine monophos-

phate at the fmol level [10].

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization

(MALDI) may permit structural analysis of DNA

adducts from human sources. The compatibility of

MALDI with multichannel detectors such as time-of-

¯ight [11,12] and Fourier transform mass spectro-

meters [13,14] may allow the molecular weight and

product ion analysis of DNA adducts isolated from

humans with the same sensitivity as a single-ion or

single-reaction monitoring determination performed

with quadrupole mass analyzers. The choice of the

matrix is crucial for the sensitive determination of a

particular analyte. Nucleic acid adducts of PAH

composed of ®ve and six benzene rings have been

detected with as little as 55 fmol introduced into

the TOFMS using matrices whose utility was antici-

pated based on their structural features [11]. In this

study 15 different matrices were surveyed for the

determination of arylamine adducts of deoxyguano-

sine. Eight matrices were found to provide LODs

with 560 fmol or less and two matrices with 56 fmol

or less introduced into the TOFMS. The sensitivity

of the determinations obtained with different matrices

provides some insight into the mechanisms of

desorption and ionization associated with these


2. Experimental

The TOFMS used in these studies is of a modi®ed

Wiley±McClaren design and has been described in

detail previously [15] (R.M. Jordan, Grass Valley,

CA). A nitrogen laser (337 nm, 6 mW peak laser

power, 3 ns pulse width, and a � 400 mm2 spot size)

was used to induce desorption (model VSL-337ND,

Laser Science, Newton, MA). The laser output is

focussed onto the probe at a 458 angle to the probe

surface with a single 125 mm focal length silica lens.

The probe tip is inserted into the vacuum interlock and

into the acceleration region so the probe tip is ¯ush

with the ®rst acceleration plate. The detector is a dual

microchannel plate (MCP) operated at a potential of

ÿ1.9 keV. Data is recorded on a Tektronix TDS 520A

oscilloscope and transferred to a IBM-compatible 486/

66 PC for processing. All spectra were acquired in the

positive ion mode.


(dG-C8-AAF) was supplied by Dr. Frederick A.

Beland at the National Center for Toxicological

Research in Jefferson, AR. 7-Methylguanosine was

purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, MO).

Both compounds were used without further puri®ca-

tion. Stock solutions (0.25 mg/ml) were prepared by

dissolving each in methanol.

Fifteen different matrices were tested as vehicles for

arylamine±deoxyguanosine adduct desorption and

ionization. These compounds were chosen because

of their demonstrated utility as matrices for other

compounds. Thirteen were purchased from commer-

cial sources (Sigma and Aldrich Chemical) and used

without further puri®cation. 4-Phenyl-a-cyanocin-

namic acid (PCC) and 4-benzyloxy-a-cyanocinnamic

acid (BCC) were synthesized as described in the

literature [11]. Their NMR spectra and MALDI mass

spectra are consistent with those reported previously

[11]. All matrix stock solutions were prepared in 2:1

2 M.P. Chiarelli et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 368 (1998) 1±9

(PDF) Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the sensitive determination of arylamide–deoxynucleoside adducts - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

mixture of acetonitrile:water, made 0.1% in tri¯uoro-

acetic acid. The concentration of each of the matrices

was varied throughout this study to determine the

matrix:analyte ratio that promoted the best sensitivity

(normally about 250:1). The concentrations of the

matrix solutions used in this study for adduct deter-

minations at 560 fmol level and lower were between

120±180 pmol/ml. Samples were prepared for MALDI

analysis by combining nine parts of the matrix solu-

tion with one part of the analyte solution and deposit-

ing 1 ml of the resulting mixture on the sample probe to

dry under ambient conditions prior to insertion into the


Samples were prepared for quantitative analysis by

combining 1 ml of the dG-C8-AAF solution of vari-

able concentration with 1 ml of the 7-methylguanosine

internal standard (15 pmol/ml) and 8 ml of 0.82 mM 4-

hydroxy-a-cyanocinnamic acid (CHCA). The same

concentration of CHCA matrix was used throughout

the quanti®cation study. 1 ml was placed on the probe

and allowed to dry under ambient conditions. Four

spectra were acquired from different areas of each

sample probe loading. Twenty to thirty shots were

averaged for each spectra. Two probe loadings were

analyzed and eight spectra were averaged for each

point on the graph.

HPLC analyses were conducted with a Beckman

HPLC system (model 421A controller, model 110B

pumps, and a model 163 variable wavelength detector)

at a wavelength of 280 nm. Solutions of guanine

(Rt�18 min), deoxyguanosine (Rt�21 min), and dG-

C8-AAF (Rt�25.5 min) were analyzed individually

and combined with CHCA (Rt�12.5 min) using a

water/methanol gradient (0±15 min:10%±85% metha-

nol, 15±30 min: 85%±100% methanol) at a ¯ow rate

of 1 ml/min.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. AAF adduct fragmentation

One of the major factors in¯uencing the `̀ in-

source'' and `̀ post-source'' fragmentation of analytes

in MALDI-TOFMS is the matrix used as a vehicle for

desorption and ionization. No MALDI spectra

acquired with the matrices shown in Fig. 1 gave a

protonated molecular ion with less than 5 pmol of

AAF adduct introduced into the mass spectrometer.

The only sample-speci®c ion observed in the MALDI

spectra of the AAF adducts is the protonated guanine±

AAF BH�2 ion at m/z 373 formed by cleavage of the

glycosidic bond (reaction 1).

2,6-Dihydroxyacetophenone (2,6-DHAP) [16] is

one such matrix that allows AAF adduct detection

at subpmol levels. 2,6-DHAP is a matrix that has been

shown to minimize the in-source fragmentation (rela-

tive to CHCA) of many peptides that possess post-

translational modi®cations [17]. In this study

approximately 50% of the MALDI spectra

acquired with 5±6 pmol of the AAF adduct on the

probe in a 2,6-DHAP matrix gave a molecular ion at

m/z 489. These results appear to be consistent with the

MALDI spectra of diol-epoxide adducts of deoxygua-

nosine acquired with FTMS [13] and TOFMS [14]

detection. In these studies sample loadings of 20±

70 pmol yielded predominantly BH�2 ions with a 10±

80% relative abundance of (M�H)� ions. MALDI

M.P. Chiarelli et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 368 (1998) 1±9 3

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studies of a variety of small molecules [18] and results

obtained in this study indicate that normal deoxygua-

nosine undergoes the same extent of glycosidic clea-

vage as the AAF adducts studied here and the aromatic

adducts cited above, suggesting aromatic DNA

adducts of deoxyguanosine may yield only BH�2 ions

when subpmol quantities of adducts are determined.

This is in marked contrast to diol-epoxide adducts of

deoxyadenosine [13,14], where (M�H)� ions are

found to be the most abundant ions in MALDI

determinations. The lack of glycosidic cleavage in

deoxyadenosine adducts may be attributed to the

greater glycosidic bond strength of deoxyadenosine

relative to the other three normal deoxynucleosides

[19]. MALDI analysis of deoxyadenosine in a CHCA

matrix in our laboratory was found to yield pre-

dominantly protonated molecular ions when analyzed

under the same laser power conditions as dG-C8-


The observation of a BH�2 and (M�H)� ion 116

mass units apart (the mass of the neutral deoxyribose

lost) could serve as a signature for an unknown DNA

adduct in a MALDI spectrum. The observation of both

BH�2 and (M�H)� ions would make the selection of

the BH�2 for product ion analysis (from the same

sample preparation) by post-source decay straightfor-

ward. The desorption/ionization characteristics of the

AAF adduct obtained with the matrices in Fig. 1

suggest only the BH�2 ion may be observed in MALDI

spectra of DNA adducts acquired with quantities of

adducts likely to be obtained from a human source

(e.g., placenta or lung tissue). For instance, 15 mg of

DNA having a substitution level of one adduct in 108

nucleotides will contain 460 fmol of adduct. There-

fore the selection of a potential DNA adduct BH�2 ion

for post-source decay product ion analysis [20] may be

dif®cult depending upon the complexity of the

MALDI spectra.

Fig. 1. The structures of the matrices that promoted detection of the BH�2 ion from dG-C8-AAF with 560 fmol or less introduced into the mass


4 M.P. Chiarelli et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 368 (1998) 1±9

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One approach that may minimize in-source frag-

mentation of the glycosidic bond is to introduce a short

(nanosecond) time delay between the laser desorption/

ionization event and the extraction of the ions from the

source [21±23]. During the desorption event, the

region between the repeller and extraction plate is

®eld-free. This time delay will minimize the collision

energy of the desorbing deoxynucleoside ions and the

neutral species (matrix molecules, etc.) and hopefully

reduce fragmentation because the deoxynucleoside

ions are not accelerated during the ®rst few moments

of the desorption event. However, delayed extraction

often yields precursor ions with too little internal

energy to yield signi®cant amounts of sample-speci®c

fragment ions during product ion analysis by post-

source decay [24]. These results suggest that once a

BH�2 ion associated with a carcinogen±deoxyguano-

sine adduct is observed in a MALDI spectrum

acquired using delayed extraction, product ion analy-

sis of the BH�2 ion may have to be carried out under

continuous extraction conditions.

The possibility that the adducts may be undergoing

an acid-catalyzed glycosidic cleavage in solution con-

taining the matrix or as the matrix preparation was

drying on the probe was investigated using HPLC with

UV detection. The HPLC±UV analyses of CHCA

matrix solutions (pH�2) and dried probe preparations

(redissolved in methanol) containing guanine, dG, or

dG-C8-AAF suggest that glycosidic cleavage of the

adduct does not occur prior to laser desorption. Evi-

dence for degradation of dG-C8-AAF in the matrix

solution became apparent in the chromatogram only

after heating the matrix/adduct solution for 24 h at

378C. These results are consistent with earlier studies

of oligonucleotides by MALDI-TOFMS and HPLC±

UV where no degradation of the oligonucleotide in

solution with the matrix was apparent prior to MS

analyses [19].

3.2. LOD determinations

All matrices in Fig. 1 were found to yield repro-

ducible observations of the BH�2 fragment ion with at

least 560 fmol loaded on the sample probe. PCC and

BCC gave reproducible signals with 280 fmol intro-

duced into the TOFMS. CHCA and MBT, matrices

whose utility was initially demonstrated for small

peptides [25,26], gave the most sensitive determina-

tions of any of the matrices tested. Reproducible

signals were obtained with 56 fmol loaded on the

Fig. 2. Positive ion MALDI-TOFMS spectra acquired with 560 fmol of dG-C8-AAF and (inset) 56 fmol of dG-C8-AAF introduced into the

TOFMS in the MBT matrix. The ions at m/z 168 and m/z 335.5 are the protonated matrix monomer and dimer ions, respectively.

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probe. Representative spectra obtained with the MBT

matrix are presented in Fig. 2. LOD determinations

were carried out by analyzing probe loadings with

progressively smaller amounts of adduct. The LODs

were de®ned as the smallest amount of analyte neces-

sary for reproducible observation of the BH�2 fragment

ion from at least four out of eight different areas

irradiated by the laser on a given probe for two

consecutive probe loadings (S/N�3). The only matrix

that provided signals with consistent intensity to

attempt a calibration plot was CHCA.

MALDI may be a viable means of quantifying DNA

adducts isolated from in vivo sources given the sensi-

tivity and speed of the determinations, and the inex-

pensive nature of the hardware. Motivation for

attempting this calibration plot stems from previous

success in quantifying small molecules by MALDI

[27] and earlier attempts to generate such calibration

plots for large PAH-nucleic acid adducts were unsuc-

cessful [11].

The calibration plot was constructed by combining

the matrix and internal standard with amounts of dG-

C8-AAF that we expect to isolate from 25 mg of

human placenta DNA [28]. Probe loadings containing

50, 100, 200, 600, 800, and 1200 fmol of dG-C8-AAF

and 1.5 pmol of the 7-methylguanosine internal stan-

dard were analyzed. Other details regarding sample

preparation and spectra acquisition are presented in

the experimental section. The 7-methylguanosine

internal standard undergoes glycosidic cleavage dur-

ing the desorption/ionization process (reaction 2), but

to a much lesser extent than dG-C8-AAF, deoxygua-

nosine, or guanosine. The best correlation is achieved

when the BH�2 peak height is plotted over the sum of

the peak heights of both ions associated with the 7-

methylguanosine internal standard. A plot of the ratio

of the ion abundances (m/z 373/(m/z 166� m/z 298))

versus fmol of dG-C8-AAF loaded on the probe is

described by the equation y�((2.43�0.36)�10ÿ4)x �(0.074�0.014). The ion abundance ratios varied from

0.10 to 0.55 and the standard error for the regression is

0.037. The correlation coef®cient (R2) is 0.92.

Comprehensive studies of the factors that govern

the quanti®cation of peptides by MALDI suggest the

best correlation is obtained when the internal standard

and analyte have similar structural features and the

matrix:analyte ratio is kept constant throughout the

determination. Errors in the determination brought

about by differences in analyte and matrix structure

(caused by different solubilities in the matrix and

evaporating solvent) are minimized by using a quan-

tity of internal standard throughout the determination

equivalent to the largest amount of analyte loaded on

the probe, as is done in this study [29]. These results

suggest that better correlations (R2�0.95) may be

obtained after the structure of a particular adduct is

deduced by comparison to its PSD product ion spectra

to that of in vitro-synthesized adduct standards. Then a

standard with a stable isotope label could be used to

estimate the concentration of that adduct in a tissue

sample. Representative spectra of the AAF adduct

acquired with the CHCA matrix and 7-methylguano-

sine internal standard are presented in Fig. 3.

It should be pointed out here that large abundances

of matrix cluster ions in the m/z range 100±1000 that

are observed in MALDI determinations of large pep-

6 M.P. Chiarelli et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 368 (1998) 1±9

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tides are not observed in this study, consistent with

other MALDI determinations of small molecules

[18,27]. This is due to the fact that less laser energy

and smaller matrix:analyte ratios (100:1, in some

cases) are suf®cient for the desorption and ionization

of small molecules relative to large peptides where

matrix:analyte ratios as large as 105:1 are used rou-

tinely [18,27]). In order for a MALDI determination to

be successful, the matrix must isolate analyte mole-

cules from each other. The absolute quantity of matrix

necessary to isolate small molecules (ca. 400±500 dal-

tons) from each other in the solid state is less than for a

peptide having a mass of several thousand daltons. In

the Fig. 2 spectra, only 130 pmol of MBT matrix are

deposited on the probe with the analyte. The only

matrix ions of signi®cant abundance observed in the

m/z 100±1000 range in these studies are the proto-

nated matrix molecular (M�H)� ion and, in some

cases, the protonated dimer (2M�H)� ion. When

matrix:analyte ratios associated normally employed

for the MALDI analysis of large peptides were used

for the MALDI determination of dG-C8-AAF, the

LOD increased. The LOD for dG-C8-AAF increased

to ca. 1 pmol (introduced into the TOFMS) in a 7�104

molar excess of CHCA.

Seven matrices did not yield any sample-speci®c

adduct ions upon laser desorption with low pmol

quantities of adducts. These are 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic

acid, thiosalicyclic acid, 3-hydroxypicolinic acid, 2,4-

dihydroxyacetophenone, 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophe-

none, salicylamide, and anthranilic acid. 2,5-Dihy-

droxybenzoic acid and 3-hydroxypicolinic acid

were tested because they permitted detection of

diol-epoxide DNA adducts at the 20±70 pmol level

[13,14]. None of these matrices that are useful for

oligonucleotide analyses were useful for the analysis

of dG-C8-AAF.

3.3. Mechanistic considerations

Central to improving analytical determinations of

DNA adducts based on MALDI is a better under-

standing of the mechanisms of desorption and ioniza-

tion of these analytes. The functional groups of these

a-cyanocinnamic acids utilized in this study suggest

certain aspects of the ionization mechanism of these

DNA adducts in MALDI. The question of whether or

not matrix molecules in excited states can protonate

analyte molecules during the MALDI has been the

subject of much investigation and speculation

Fig. 3. Positive ion MALDI-TOFMS spectra of dG-C8-AAF acquired with 1200 fmol and (inset) 50 fmol introduced into the TOFMS in the

CHCA matrix.

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[30±33]. Such a mechanism is believed plausible

because many organic molecules are known to

undergo functional group-speci®c changes in pka upon

electronic excitation in solution [34]. The utility of the

methyl ester of CHCA as a matrix suggested that an

analyte protonation mechanism based on excited pro-

ton transfer was operative in MALDI [30]. Proton

transfer from the para-hydroxy group of the CHCA

methyl ester to the analyte is suggested in this study

because carboxylic acids undergo a modest increase in

pka upon excitation to the ®rst excited state (e.g., from

6 to 7 generally) while hydroxyl groups undergo a

decrease in pka, from 10 to 2 [34]. More recently, an

ionization mechanism based on excited state proton

transfer from a hydroxyl to a carbonyl group was used

to explain why ortho-hydroxy acetophenones were

useful as MALDI matrices and para- and meta-hydro-

xyacetophenones were not [33]. The utility of PCC

and BCC as matrices for the sensitive determinations

of AAF adducts in this study and in studies of PAH-

nucleic acids would indicate that an ionization

mechanism involving excited state proton transfer is

not facile in the determination of these adducts. The

structures of PCC and BCC are different from CHCA

insofar as the para-hydroxy group of CHCA is

replaced with a phenyl and benzyloxy group, respec-

tively. Therefore the proton associated with the ioni-

zation step must come from the carboxylic acid group.

Ionization from other protons (i.e., from the phenyl

ring) is not likely here, given that experiments

designed to distinguish random protonation reactions

from functional-group speci®c protonation reactions

in UV laser mass spectrometry indicate that phenyl

and aliphatic protons did not protonate analytes even

at power densities large enough to generate C� ions


4. Conclusion

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization

(MALDI) and time-of-¯ight mass spectrometry

(TOFMS) is employed to promote detection of dG-

C8-AAF at the fmol level using eight different

matrices. Two matrices, a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic

acid and mercaptobenzothiazole, permitted adduct

detection with less than 60 fmol loaded on the laser

probe. These results suggest that the detection of

unknown arylamine adducts formed in human pla-

centa and lung is possible. Now that these adducts may

be detected at the low fmol level, structural analysis

using MALDI and post-source decay product ion

analysis of arylamine nucleoside adducts isolated

from humans should be feasible.

The structures of the matrices that promote fmol-

level detection of these arylamine adducts suggest that

the analyte is protonated by a matrix molecule in the

ground state rather than in excited state.


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