Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)

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Doctor Strange

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (1)

Respected surgeon Stephen Strange was forced to seek a different path when his hands were injured in a terrible accident. Devoting himself to the mystic arts, Strange became this dimension's line of defense against supernatural threats — the Sorcerer Supreme.

Sensing a massive temporal disturbance, Doctor Strange performed an arcane ritual to protect his reality. The spell failed, and Strange and his Sanctum Sanctorum became trapped within the Mirror Dimension. Lost in the timestream, Strange uses his mystic mastery to free himself for shorts spans of time in order to join the fight.

  • Barrier Warrior Shield of the Seraphim, which is essentially a circular forcefield made of magic.
  • Squishy Wizard: Strange only has 600 health, one of the lowest among the Vanguard class.
  • Thinking Up Portals: Pentagram of Farallah has Doctor Strange concocting two portals at different parts of the map, that him and his teammates can travel and shoot through.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: The usual cruel team-based teleporter tricks to put allies in harm's way can be employed with Strange's portals, but as where they lead to can be seen through them, that gives a player's would-be victims the chance to avoid a lethal trip.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (2)

He is Groot, a flora colossus from the branch world of Planet X capable of manipulating plant matter and regrowing his damaged body from a single splinter. The hero at the heart of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot may not have many words to say, but his actions always speak for themselves.

Groot accompanied Star-Lord and Rocket on a scouting mission to Klyntar, where they became stranded after their ship was shot down. Klyntar's dark king, Knull, now seeks to corrupt Groot's regenerative powers in an effort to cultivate the ultimate symbiote.

  • Barrier Warrior: Much of Groot's kit revolves around his ability to create walls, which can both protect his allies, and hinder or outright entrap his enemies. He actually has two different wall-based abilities:
    • Thornlash Wall, which he can spawn multiple at a time and build off of each other, and will attack nearby players when Groot is close to them.
    • Ironwood Wall, which is a larger wall that he can only spawn one of, and will convert damage inflicted by Groot to his enemies into regained health.
  • Green Thumb: Unsurprisingly, his power set is based on plant manipulation.
  • Horse of a Different Color: When paired with Rocket Raccoon, he can ride on Groot's shoulder like a mount. In this state, Rocket takes half damage, and acts like a turret for Groot, at the cost of not being able to move until he gets off.
  • Heal Thyself: Ironwood Wall will heal Groot when nearby enemies are damaged by him, either by Groot himself or through Thornlash Walls.
  • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: Groot is the only character who can make physical constructs which can impair not only his enemies, but his allies as well.
  • Pokémon Speak: Can only say "I am Groot".
  • Rubber Man: His primary attack Vine Strike is him stretching his arms out to strike his enemy, Dhalsim style. This technically makes him a melee-based hero, but he can fight at a much longer distance than others of that category.
  • Splash Damage: His Spore Bomb is explosive and splits into multiple smaller bombs that affect an area. Combined with his ability to entrap enemies, and it can be very devastating.
  • Stone Wall: Groot is very much a defense-based character. One that's hard to kill, due to his high HP, ability to create multiple protective walls, and the ability to heal from one of said walls. But he's not as offense-oriented as the other Vanguards like Hulk or Magneto because of it, lacking many of the direct damage-dealing capabilities. So a good Groot will rely on creating a great defense rather than try to use him offensively.
  • When Trees Attack: As a flora colossus, Groot is effectively a big, moving tree. Gameplay wise, his wooden walls will sprout arms to attack enemy players close by.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (3)

Caught in the detonation of a powerful weapon of his own invention, Dr. Bruce Banner absorbed gamma radiation that transforms him into a massive green monster whenever his emotions rage out of control. As Banner, he's a genius. But as the Hulk, he's the strongest one there is!

Banner developed a special gamma belt to control his transformations and temper the Hulk's fury. But when the Timestream Entanglement transformed Los Diablos Missile Base into a demonic battleground, he realized the best way to fight monsters is to let out the one within.

  • Abnormal Ammo: Banner wields a gun and grenades that blast gamma radiation at his enemies.
  • Close-Range Combatant: His only ranged attack that does damage is Gamma Burst. Outside of that, Hulk will have to get in down and dirty with his opponents at melee range to succeed.
  • Heroic Second Wind: Monster Hulk can be this if activated at low health. No matter what HP Hulk has, he'll always have a whopping 1550 HP when he transforms into Monster Hulk. If on the verge of defeat, it can be used to turn the tide of a battle.
  • Hulking Out: Banner's ultimate is him transforming into the Hulk. Fittingly, he outright yells "I'M HULKING OUT!" during the transformation.
  • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: The only character with three different forms and thus three different ultimates.
  • Mythology Gag: The No-Holds-Barred Beatdown delivered in Monster Hulk’s ultimate World Breaker is just like the one Hulk famously delivers to Loki in The Avengers (2012).
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Monster Hulk’s ultimate is basically him dealing one to whatever enemy unfortunate enough to be caught in his way.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Hulk talks more eloquently while conversing with people he likes or is at least familiar with like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man. He plays up his brutish reputation with those that don't fall into those two categories.
  • The Paralyzer: Radioactive Lockdown shoots a small blast of gamma energy that temporarily immobilizes enemies. It's best used when closing in on a target to line up your attacks.
  • Shockwave Clap: Gamma Burst is Hulk's signature thunderclap. It's fast, deals around 70 damage, and is best used to finish off a low-health opponent.
  • Squishy Wizard: His base form as Bruce Banner only has 200HP, the lowest in the game. His main purpose is to charge up his ultimate so he can transform into the Hulk.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (4)

Max Eisenhardt was born with a near-limitless mutant ability to manipulate magnetic fields. Suffering from a lifetime of persecution, Magneto made it his mission to ensure the survival of Mutantkind, no matter the cost. His uncompromising crusade often puts him at odds with other mutants who seek more peaceful ways to co-exist with humanity.

Magneto led the campaign to gather the planet's mutant population and transport them decades into the future to a safe haven on the sentient island of Krakoa, protecting his brethren from the growing dangers of the wider world.

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Magneto’s costume is usually purple and red, but here it’s mostly silver with some red highlights.
  • Barrier Warrior: Has two forms of shields: Metallic Curtain, briefly deploying a rectangular forcefield that stops all projectiles, and Metal Bulwark, which briefly shields an ally in a spherical forcefield. Both are effective at what they do, but neither last very long compared to other Vanguard heroes.
  • Colony Drop: Magneto's ultimate Meteor M is him creating a comet out of metal and magnetic energy, and dropping it down on his enemies below.
  • Grumpy Old Man: Visibly aged and apparently from a timeline where Krakoa is yet to fall so his ego's at an all-time high. He's such a jerk that he makes veiled threats to his teammates, especially if they have or appear to have metal on them he can manipulate.
  • Magikarp Power: His Mag-Cannon works like this, in that it has three different levels and is made stronger through shielding himself and allies. A fully charged Mag-Cannon does the most damage and has a knockback effect.
  • Mighty Glacier: Magneto is one of the more offense-oriented Vanguards in the game, able to output a lot of damage through his main attack and various abilities (including his ultimate). However, Magneto has no mobile abilities (outside of being able to slow his descent while falling), and moves rather slow to begin with, so he'll be relying on power over speed.
  • Simple, yet Awesome: Magneto's Meteor M ultimate isn't quite as devastating to enemies compared to other similar attacks. However, it's much quicker and easier to get off and damage the enemy team, due to the charge-up being fast and Magneto himself having 650 HP (thus it's hard to stop in time).

Peni Parker

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (5)

After the death of her father, Peni Parker inherited the experimental mech-suit known as SP//dr. In order to control the suit, Peni had to allow herself to be bitten by the irradiated arachnid that controls its CPU, forming a psychic bond between them.

Now, Peni and SP//dr keep the people of Tokyo Webworld safe, just like her father did before her. Since the Timestream Entanglement, Peni and SP//dr have devoted themselves to the protection of the Web of Life and Destiny and the countless realities it connects.

  • Abnormal Ammo: Her main projectiles are “Cyber-Web Clusters”.
  • Mini-Mecha: She does her fighting through her signature SP//dr mech suit.
  • No-Sell: Shoots down Magneto's boast that he could easily defeat her by explaining that her suit isn't actually made of metal, and that even if he could find some in it to manipulate, she would lay him flat before he'd exploit it.
  • Trick Bomb: One of her main abilities is Bionic Spider-Nest which are spider-drones that chase down nearby enemies and explode.
  • Truer to the Text: Peni Parker in this game is much closer to the original comics, both in her appearance (being a teenager) and the design of her mech suit, compared to the younger, Lighter and Softer kid version seen in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
  • Wall Crawl: Her aptly named Wall Crawl, allowing her to run up walls.

Black Panther

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (6)

King T'Challa of Wakanda is more than just the ruler of the most advanced civilization known to man. He also wears the mantle of Black Panther, the scared protector of his people. It is his sworn duty to ensure Wakanda's survival against any threat imaginable.

T'Challa recently expanded his reign into the cosmos, creating the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda. As he awaits a sign of Bast to tell him if either Doom can be trusted, he protects the empire's Chronovium supply and shares its tech with trusted allies — including Reed Richards.

  • Close-Range Combatant: As a melee-based hero, Black Panther fights up close and personal.
  • Critical Status Buff: Black Panther’s passive Panther’s Cunning allows him to deal more damage when at lower health.
  • Le Parkour: Subtle Step enables him to run on and jump off of walls.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (7)

The Asgardian Goddess of Death, Hela is a powerful sorceress who controls an endless army of undead warriors. She has long sought to expand her domain beyond the nether realms and will make any deals that benefits her goal. Hela will not rest until all souls—living or dead—are hers to command.

Hela offered to support Loki's coup in exchange for an extension of Hel's territory into the realm of the living. In truth, though, she seeks to claim Yggsgard's throne—and the temporal power that comes with it—for herself.

  • Achilles' Heel: She's great at a distance, but struggles greatly at close range, which Close-Range Combatants can take advantage of when singling her out.
  • Combat Stilettos: Hela's outfit noticeably includes a pair of long stiletto heels.
  • Death from Above: Her ultimate Goddess of Death, where she delivers explosive Nastrond Crows from the sky that can be absolutely devastating to enemies.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Hela excels at taking out enemies from a distance with her Nightsword thorns, especially when using headshots. She's practically a sniper in terms of gameplay.

Iron Man

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (8)

Wounded by a weapon of his own design, billionaire inventor Tony Stark created a custom-made suit of armor to keep himself alive. Though his wounds have healed, his upgraded armor now saves the lives of countless others when Tony dons it to become the world's greatest fighting machine — the invincible Iron Man!

When the legions of the night descended upon New York City, Iron Man and his fellow Avengers turned their tower into a stronghold. From there, Tony leads the effort to unravel the mysteries of Chronovium and to reverse the Timestream Entanglement.

  • Flight: Iron Man's default mode of movement is passively flying.
  • Flying Firepower: Iron Man moves by flying in the game, and he'll be laying down a lot of firepower from above for his teammates.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Rather surprisingly, Tony is a big fan of K-Pop star Luna Snow and asks to swap autographs after the fight.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: Micro-Missile Barrage, where he fires a flurry of small missiles while flying or in Armor Overdrive mode.
  • Pet the Dog: Though a Deadpan Snarker for most of his character interactions, he approaches Wanda with genuine concern, and caps off their conversation by telling her that she'll always have a place with the Avengers no matter what parallel universe she winds up in.
  • Powered Armor: He's called "Iron Man" for a reason. His armor is what allows him to fight alongside a cast full of superpowered beings.
  • Super Mode: His Armor Overdrive, where his abilities become enhanced over a short period of time. He becomes further upgraded with gamma energy when paired with the Hulk.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (9)

Born with the mutant ability to create portals that allow her to travel through the nether realm called Limbo, Illyana Rasputin augmented her natural gifts with powerful sorcery and an arcane sword to fueled by souls to become the powerful warrior known as Magik.

As the ruler of Limbo, Magik has been serving as a general in a timeline-spanning war across dimensions, battling malevolent gods and demons. She frequently confers with her mutant allies on Krakoa, discussing their species' best chances of survival in the wake of the Timestream Entanglement.

  • Adaptation Name Change: Her ultimate form is called Darkchild, whereas the comic book counterpart to that form is spelled as Darkchylde.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Magik is a melee-based hero, and her entire kit revolves around getting down and dirty with her opponents using her Soulsword. Her Limbo's Might passive outright encourages this, converting health inflicted on her enemies as bonus health for herself, allowing her to stay in the fight.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Magik turns into one when she become Darkchild, where all of her abilities are enhanced, and she's as mobile as ever.
  • Minion Master: Demon's Rage summons a minion from Limbo that attacks enemy players.
  • Teleportation: Stepping Discs, her mutant power, allows her to teleport a short distance in the direction of her movement.
  • Thinking Up Portals: When on the same team with Black Panther, she gains Disc Master, allowing her to create a portal on the map that both she and Black Panther can use.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (10)

Born of a union between a human and an Atlantean, Namor has always been a man of two worlds. But while he proudly rules those who dwell beneath the waves, those who live on the surface have long earned Namor's ire.

After decades of simmering tension, Namor has finally decided that the time is right to strike at the surface world. He has sought the aid of his mutant allies living in the future on Krakoa to aid him as he sets his sights on a new prize: Jeju Island.

  • Long-Range Fighter: Namor excels at a distance where his Trident of Neptune can deal punishment from afar, but doesn't fare so well at close range.
  • Making a Splash: As the King of the Seas, Namor's powers revolves around water.
  • Minion Master:
    • His Aquatic Dominion allows him to summon up to three octopus-like creatures called "Monstro Spawns", that effectively function as living turrets. Wrath of the Seven Seas will direct said Monstro Spawns to attack whichever player gets hit by it.
    • When paired with Luna Snow, he can summon an additional Monstro Spawn via Frozen Spawn that shoots ice, dealing extra damage and slowing the enemy down (and likewise can be directed by Wrath of the Seven Seas).
  • The Turret Master: The Monstro Spawns that Namor can summon are living, breathing turrets under his command.

The Punisher

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (11)

Caught in the crossfire of a mob hit that killed his family, Frank Castle clung to life through sheer force of will and and unquenchable thirst for vengeance. Unwilling to let more innocents suffer at the hands of criminals, Castle took the law into his own hands as the Punisher.

Thanks to an experimental serum that vastly extended his lifespan, the Punisher's war has continued into the far-flung future. As a member of the New Marvel Knights, his impressive arsenal has become a vital part of Black Widow's crusade against Doom 2099.

  • Badass Normal: Just a guy with a lot of guns in a game full of superpowers.
  • Choice of Two Weapons: Punisher can use either the Adjudicator assault rifle or the Deliverance shotgun as his main weapons.
  • Gatling Good: Can go into a stationary turret mode, Culling Turret, which has 200 rounds before needing to reload.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: Vantage Connection deploys a grappling hook to get across the battlefield.
  • Mighty Glacier: Among the Duelists. He has a higher than average 300 HP (which he can increase to 600 if he goes into the turret stage), and has a lot of devastating firepower. But he lacks much of the mobility that other Duelists have, so he'll be relying on damage output and durability over speed.
  • Older Than He Looks: This version of the Punisher looks to be around his 30s, but is actually over 100 years old in this game, due to a serum that greatly slowed down his aging. He's still active as of 2099.
  • Smoke Out: Scourge Grenade deploys a smoke bomb, temporarily denying his enemy their full sight.

Scarlet Witch

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (12)

Wanda Maximoff's ability to manipulate chaos magic makes her one of the most powerful living beings in the universe. As the Scarlet Witch, she seeks to harness that chaos, restoring some semblance of order to a world that is constantly on the brink of destruction.

Since the Timestream Entanglement, chaos magic is one of the few forces holding the threads of reality together. Should her powers fail, the Scarlet Witch truly believes that this universe will disintegrate, along with everyone in it. It is a fate she refuses to allow... no matter the cost...

  • Always Accurate Attack: Scarlet Witch's main attack Chaos Control will lock onto an enemy at close range with little need to aim, albeit the damage itself is low.
  • Astral Projection: Mystic Projection has her projecting an astral form of herself in the air, essentially achieving Flight for a short duration.
  • Combat Stilettos: Her costume includes a pair of high heeled boots.
  • Disintegrator Ray: This is basically her ultimate, aptly named Reality Erasure. After floating in the air and charging up her hex energy, Scarlet Witch will effectively erase any and all enemies unfortunate enough to be in front of her out of existence with a chain of red beams.
  • Mana Meter: Her Chthonian Burst, which are effectively magical missiles, are governed by a slot containing four rounds, which is charged by using her primary Chaos Control attack on opponents.
  • Necessary Drawback: Her ultimate Reality Erasure is extremely powerful and can wipe out entire teams if used correctly. However, it involves her floating in the air for a few seconds, glowing red, and shouting "PURE CHAOS!" while having no bonus protection of any kind, making her an easy target to stop if used incorrectly. This is all needed, otherwise her ultimate would be completely overpowered.
  • The Paralyzer: Dark Seal unleashes a field that temporarily stuns enemies close to her.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (13)

Bitten by a radioactive spider, young Peter Parker gained the ability to cling to almost any surface, a "spider-sense" that warns him of danger, and the proportional speed, strength and agility of an arachnid. Now, he strives to use his great power responsibly as the wall-crawling wonder known as Spider-Man.

Since the Timestream Entanglement, Spider-Man has been swinging between two battlefronts. When he's not rallying New York's heroes to fight against ancient forces of darkness, he's busy protecting the Web of Life and Destiny with his fellow Web Warriors in Tokyo Webworld.

  • All Webbed Up: His ultimate Spectacular Spin shoots webs to every enemy in his vicinity, stunning them temporarily and making them easy targets to defeat.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Apart from his webbing, his main mode of attack is his punches and kicks. Spider-Man excels at getting up close and personal with his opponents.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Spider-Man is currently the only character rated a full five stars in difficulty, as his gameplay revolves around web-slinging across the map, knowing to attack and when to retreat, and making the most use of the spider-tracer mechanic.
  • Wall Crawl: As expected, Spidey can crawl on surfaces.
  • Spider-Sense: Another passive, aptly named Spider-Sense, alerts him (and the player) when enemies are nearby.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (14)

Half human. Half alien. All awesome. That's how Peter Quill, the space outlaw called Star-Lord, would probably describe himself. And as leader of the spacefaring heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy, he's saved the universe enough times to actually live up to his legends.

At Shuri's request, Star-Lord led a scouting mission to the surface of the symbiote planet, Klyntar. As the Guardians made their approach, the ship was disabled by a mysterious force, leaving Star-Lord and his crew stranded on a hostile world on the brink of annihilation.

  • Always Accurate Attack: His ultimate Galactic Legend hones his attacks on his enemy Soldier: 76 style.
  • AM/FM Characterization: Star-Lord is a big fan of classic rock. An interaction with Luna Snow also reveals he's not so much into K-Pop, but is a fan of Dazzler when he asks if she knows her.
  • Badass Normal: No powers, just twin pistols and jet boots.
  • Flight: Rocket Propulsion allows him to fly temporarily, while Galactic Legend allows him to fly freely for its duration.
  • Glass Cannon: Star-Lord's ultimate Galactic Legend, where he goes into free flight and will lock onto enemies on sight, turns him into one. This makes him very devastating if used correctly, but he has no bonus HP or protection in this stage, while also being an easy target to hit while in the air, so he can be taken out quickly if the enemy gets the drop on him.
  • Guns Akimbo: His weapons are his dual Element Guns, which are fast-firing pistols with 40 shots in total before needing to reload.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Is the son of a human mother and an alien father. His lore page says he would probably describe himself as "Half human. Half alien. All awesome."
  • Jet Pack: Or rather, jet boots. He can soar to the skies via Rocket Propulsion.
  • Jump Jet Pack: Stellar Shift uses his jet boots as an enhanced jump in the direction the player is pointing, while also being an instant reload.
  • Multi-Directional Barrage: His Blaster Barrage has him firing in all directions within a close radius.
  • Wild Hair: In his "Master of the Sun" skin.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (15)

Born a mutant and worshipped as a goddess due to her ability to manipulate the weather, Ororo Munroe became the X-Man known as Storm. As the regent of Sol and the protector of Arakko, she now serves as the protector for mutants on Earth and beyond.

The chronal energy generated by the Timestream Entanglement has resulted in violent temporal tempests on the sentient island of Krakoa, the nation that the X-Men call home. Although her powers are capable of stabilizing the island's climate, Storm seeks a more permanent solution alongside her fellow heroes.

  • Blow You Away: Her main attack, Wind Blades.
  • Flight: Storm passively flies as her main mode of movement.
  • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: Storm is unique within the Duelist class in that she also functions within a support role as well due to her Weather Control Stance System. She'll be aiding allies like a Strategist while also acting as a Duelist in terms of direct combat, so playing her is a bit different than your average Duelist.
  • Shock and Awe: Her secondary attack, Bolt Rush.
  • Stance System: Weather Control has two configurations to empower allies: Tornado granting a movement boost, Thunder granting a damage boost.
  • Status Buff: Her aforementioned Weather Control ability is oriented around either increasing the speed or damage output of her and her allies.
  • Weather Manipulation: Storm’s power set, predictably, revolves around this.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (16)

Born the son of Laufey, king of the Frost Giants, Loki was adopted by Odin and raised as a prince of Asgard. But his true nature could not be undone, and Loki would come to fully embrace his role as the God of Mischief.

With his father deep in Odinsleep, Loki seized the chance to take the throne for himself. After enlisting Hela in his plot and hurling Thor into a distant timeline, Loki now harvests Chronovium sap from the world tree, Yggdrasil, in an effort to conquer the entire timestream.

  • Me's a Crowd: Can create copies of himself to act as distractions or to swap places with.
  • Power Copying: Loki can briefly copy the appearance and abilities of other characters in the match, potentially allowing him to turn the tide of a battle by assuming the appropriate advantageous form.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: Has taken over Asgard, and is going so far as to make sweeping revisions to its recorded histories to make himself look better.

Luna Snow

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (17)

Luna Snow is more than just another K-Pop superstar. She's also a symbol of hope for her entire generation. Using her ice powers to keep tensions across the world cool, she has become a musical diplomat, ready to face any conflict that may arise.

Tragedy nearly struck during Luna Snow's summer concert when a wounded Atlantean creature caused a devastating tsunami. Luna's ice held back the rushing tide and helped to heal the beast's injuries. She singlehandedly saved countless lives and prevented the situation from escalating into a full scale conflict between South Korea and the world beneath the waves.

  • AM/FM Characterization: Much of her characterization revolves around her being a famous K-Pop singer.
  • An Ice Person: Luna Snow’s abilities revolve around the ice, such as freezing her opponents in place, firing ice shards, or skating on ice.
  • Celebrity Superhero: Luna Snow’s alter ego Seol Hee is a K-Pop star.
  • Combat Stilettos: Downplayed. They're wedges, but still heels.
  • Dance Battler: Her ultimate Fate of Both Worlds essentially has her doing a flashy K-Pop style dance number while granting a stream of fast-acting healing or damage buffs to everyone in her vicinity.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Her hair and jacket is black on the right, white on the left. Also, her jacket only has a sleeve on the right side, while her left side is one long glove.
  • Healing Shiv: Her basic attack Light & Dark Ice will heal allies if they're hit by it. When activated, Ice Arts will shoot out beams that pass through targets, both damaging enemies and healing allies simultaneously, which is very effective in a cluster.
  • Ma'am Shock: She's initially delighted to hear that Peni's a fan, only to be taken aback by the future teen calling her "Obachan" and elaborating that she's a big fan of the songs they play on "oldies" music streams.
  • Rollerblade Good: Her passive, Smooth Skate, allows her to move at an increased speed by skating on her own ice.


Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (18)

Mantis always knows how you're feeling, thanks to her strong empathic powers. Her alien power to alter the emotions of others comes in handy on the battlefield, but Mantis only finds true happiness for herself when she is with her fellow Guardians of the Galaxy.

After being captured by the Collector and put on display at his theme park, Mantis managed to escape with the help of her fellow captives, Sai and Jeff. Now, Mantis travels the spaceways in hopes of reuniting with her team, while welcoming other displaced souls into the guardians' found family.

  • Adaptation Species Change: Taking after the MCU, Mantis in this game is an insectoid alien rather than a half-German, half-Vietnamese woman from Earth.
  • Healing Shiv: Healing Flower hits teammates with Life Orbs that heal them over time.
  • Heal Thyself: Mantis can heal herself by consuming Life Orbs.
  • Status Buff: Mantis can increase her damage output by consuming Life Orbs with Natural Anger, as well as grant damage buffs to her teammates with Allied Inspiration.
  • Tranquilizer Dart: Her Spore Slumber is effectively this, in that in temporarily knocks enemies out when they're hit by it.

Rocket Raccoon

Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (19)

He may look cute and fuzzy at first glance, but the space ranger known as Rocket has a bite just as nasty as his attitude. Fortunately, he puts his uncanny technical aptitude to good use as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

When Star-Lord signed on to a mission to explore Klyntar, Rocket signed on for some easy target practice shooting symbiotes. But when their ship crashed, Rocket unexpectedly found himself in a fight for his life, trying to keep his fellow Guardians safe until help arrived.

  • Back from the Dead: Battle Rebirth Beacon will revive a fallen ally.
  • Damage Reduction: Rocket takes half damage when riding on Groot's shoulder.
  • Do You Want to Haggle?: Has interactions with Peni Parker and the Punisher offering to buy their mech suit and weapons respectively. Both of them decline.
  • Gatling Good: His main weapon is effectively a hyper advanced minigun.
  • Jump Jet Pack: Rocket’s Jetpack Dash functions this way, allowing him to use his jetpack to jump forward in two quick bursts.
  • Pardon My Klingon: Rocket uses the fictional curse word "Flarking" in the place of the actual F-bomb.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Being a raccoon, Rocket is by far the smallest character in the game, but is no less dangerous for it. In fact, his smaller character model makes him even more dangerous, since he's significantly harder to hit than any other character.
  • Wall Crawl: Rocket’s Wild Crawl passive allows him to run on a wall.
Marvel Rivals / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.