Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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3 iw fortunate would it be for the country if they would do ti i A I Sales This lay st 9 $4000 2000 5000 1000 I It is said that the owners of the Cunard line of steamers having disposed of the Hibernia and Caledonia two of the oldest ships in their line are about building two new steam ers in their stead The new vessels are to be constructed without delay and are to be of much greater power than the Asia the fastest vessel at present in their line SURVEY THE WESTERN COAST Extractor a letter from Lieut McAr thur Navy Assistant in the Coast Survey to the Superintendent relating to the progress of the reconnaissance anil survey of the Western Coast The Washington Philharmonic Society gave last Tuesday evening another of its fine joint rehearsals It is almost supirfluous to say that it went off as usual exceed ingly well in both the vocal and instrumental departments but we may rematk that its march is citledly onward and we notice with great satisfaction the increasing interest in its behalf It is encouraged by the clergy in general of our city without the least distinction of sect and wo cannot forego the pleasure of stating that one of our Reverend divines after the close of Tuesday performances in token of his ratisfactlon and of his belief in the favorable influence the labors of the society would produce upon our community re quested his name to be pul down as an annual donor for seve ral times the amount of his present subscription as an asso ciate member Such an example is truly encouraging and gratifying and we congratulate the friends cf the Society upon its flattering prospects but would remind its members that its final success depends upon their united and best efforts to promote it BOTELbR The Malta Mail anil United Service Journal of August 10 has the following article Monday last an official communication of thedenth of General Tirton late President of tho United States of America having been rmde by Wm Wimthiiop Esq the United States Consul in this city to Vice Admiral Sir Wm Paiikku Bait with an intimation that on Thursday the Sth instant the American flag would be hoisted half mast high on the Consular staff the gallant Admiral imrr ed'ately replied by a letter of condolence and intimated his intention of taking part in the demonstration of respect to the memory of the deceased President by ordering the American colors to be hoisted half mast on the main mast head of the ships of war in port and also on those cruising under his command and the British ensign in similar token on the peak Gen Ellice was also officially notified of the death of the late President as were the foreign Consuls The former imme diately responded to the invitation ard ordered the flags on the forts and palace to be displayed at half mast Yesterday in pursuance of orders issued by Sir Wm Parker the Ame rican flig was hoisted as above indicated the British flag was similarly hoisted on the pilace staff forts and public offices and the foreign Consuls hastened to unite with their colleague in hoisting the tlsgs of the Powers they represent in token of mourning for the decease of the late distinguished General the la'e President of the United Louisiana A Whig meeting held in A Donaldsonville (La) recently passed resolutions declaring that the Whigs of Ascension have per ceived with indignation the course pursued by Congressional Agitators who would create upon public mind a false impression that a spirit of hostility towards the North prevails among the and that in common with their brother Whigs of the other parishes of the district they regard as traitors those who would sever the the bands which connect the States of this great A Whig meeting in Assumption passed similar resolutions HONORS TO THE MEMORY THE LATB PRESI DENT TAYLOR AT MALTA spect to British postages except that the want of authority to allow commissions is more for all know that Congress has never legislated upon the subject Postmaster General Johnson under whose in structions the treaty was negotiated was justified in the conclusion that there were no commissions attaching to British postages to prevent a recipro cal arrangement with the British post office which has no commissions in its system would allow none to others for collecting its postages nor ask any of us for collecting our postages The late Postmaster General under whose administration the treaty went into operation decided that there was no legal authority for commissions on British postages and further he placed on record when making the postal arrangement with Prussia his official declaration that legally there could be no commissions on foreign postage says more illegal order than that issued by the late Postmaster GeneralJ could not be issued by the One equally illegal if Beta is right has since been issued for the present Post master General Mr Hall who has been minutely and vigorously overhauling the errors and abuses that have crept into the business of distribution commissions has given a peremptory order restricting the commissions to what is without contingency the United Slates postage on each foreign The facts above given are derived from the same accurate source that contributed the particulars to the former article in the Intelligencer on this subject It is fortunate that the law leaves foreign post ages untrammelled with the charge of commis sions Our negotiators of postal arrangementswith other countries are left free to make the best arrangements to increase and quicken the corre spondence between the old and new worlds and promote the vast interests connected with it with out being under the necessity (in order" to avoid the 'J cry of some demagogue) of haggling for the terms that would place the United States in a position of inferiority and her public functionaries in relations of dependance on other countries for their fees of office It is easy to see that nothing could be gained in a pecuniary point of view by such a course for on the same principle precisely that we would ask Great Britain to contribute to pay the compensation of our postmasters she would de mand a larger contribution from us to pay her con tractor Cunard It is right as it is more advan tageous pecuniarily and more satisfactory and honorable MARRIAGES On Tuesday night last the 10th instant by the Rev Mr Gossaoe Mr JACOB HUTTON of Baltimore to Miss KATE 8 SUTER of Havre de Grace Maryland On the 28th of July by the Rev Mr Slateht Mr PA TRICK HAGERTY and Miss MARY ANN CRYER all ol bis city TO THE EDITORS LATE AND INTERESTING ROM CALIORNIA Washington September 1 1 1850 Gentlemen Believing that good will result from the pe rusal df the enclosed extracts from a letter received on last Saturday from my brother in California I offer them to you for publication if you deem proper premising merely that the writer is a young man of liberal education and thoroughly trained as a chemist and druggist In brie of the largest es tablishments in Pittsburg who has also had the experience of more than ten years in the business of analyzing com pounding and mixing Their publication may at least be the means of saving some from the bitter disappointment experienced by a number of our worthy citizens therein alluded to who Were induced to invest largely and go thither by the representations of a gentleman who had been over the ground and examined as was under stood the localities referred to and who exhibited of the gold beaiing quartz and was too highminded and honorable intentially to deceive yet permitted his imagi nation so completely to warp his judgment and to eild his statements of facts as to lead to bis own deep mortification and tho sad disappointment of his friends I omit the names they are generally well known in this communi'y Very respectfully yours MILLER SvBvmsn Schooner Ewisn Astoria July 16 1850 Dear Sin Since my last letter to you I sent Lieut Bartlett with Mrs i Denny and Simm to examine the mouth of the Willamette river and the Columbia river generally directing them to examine and point out any diffi culties or impediments to navigation should they exist their character I myself went on a hurried trip to Sound but found matters so interesting there that I spent just four weeks between Capo lattery and Nisqually I made a good reconnaissance of New Dqnginess Roadq Pro tection Island and Port Discovery Reports in connexion with these expeditions will bo fowarded in duo season I hope to complete a tolerable survey of the mouth of the Columbia river in a few' days and to bo able to point out with considerable accuracy the changes which have taken place in tho channels since the survey of the exploring ex pedition On completing our work here I shall proceed to Point (California) for tho purpose of meeting Mr Davidson who will require some assistance about two months hence On ray way I will reconnoitre the coast and endeavor to fill up tho intervals which now exist on our chart Two or three good clear days will suffice as the wind at this sea son is always fair when vessels are bound south I will send the coast sheet to you with a desire that it be published (with all its imper fictions as it is so much more cornet than any chart of the coast extant A With all the importance which the subject demands I hope I have represented to you the necessity of my having au thority to employ men at the usual wages of the country The times of several will expire in January next and I must lay tho vessi 1 up Do not indulge the belief or hope that seamen can be obtained here for the amount which I tun au thorized to pay This difficulty must bo overcome in some xv i and most happy would I be could I suggest a remedy which would cure the evp Congnss should increase the Coast Survey appropriation for this especial contingency and most so SURVEY THE COAST CALIORNIA Mr George Davidson Assistant United States Coast Survey is now employed in charge of a land party at Point Conception determining its position and the adjacent islands and main This portion ot the coast about two hundred and thirty miles south ol San rancisco is in the line ofall our steam ers and is said to be erroneously laid down on all existing charts Headquarters National Greys CT ou are hereby ordered to meet at your armory in full inter uniform bn this day Thursday at 1 for parade By order EAGEN 9ST MASONIC The Brotherhood of the Order of ree and Accepted Ancient Yotk Masons are informed that through the kind liberality of the proprietors of the Union of Omnibuses the use of their splendid carriages has been ten dered to convey those whs intend assisting at the ceremonial of laying the corner stone of the new Church in Alexandria to the steamboat wharf They are invited therefore to as semble at Masonic Hall this day Thursday) at 1 precisely Ample provision has also been made for their transportation anil return from Alexandria By order of the Committee of Arrangements RICHARD IELDS Chairman Among the fine productive (aims in Western New York is that of Mr a gentleman who a few years since commanded one of the Blenners on the Hudson and the Sound and was well known for his gentlemanly deportment every where He retired to tho county of Monroe and located himself in the pleasant village of Pittsford near Roch ster where be purchased a farm and devoted himselR to agricul ture As a proof of his success he has the past harvest garnered from thirty three acres upwards of fourteen hun dred bushels of wheat averaging forty four bushels to the acre for which he has recently realized over seventeen hun dred dollars in cash I his is a spacimqp of farming in Western New Yoik Return of Mrs Miller The following an nouncement of the return of Mrs Miller who re ported herself drowned at Niagara alls lst spring is we understand correct: Mbs Miller We learn from a source fully entitled to credit that Mrs Milleu whose sudden disappearance and supposed suicide at Niagara alls elicited so much remark a few months since has within a few days returned to the home of her father the late Senator Nobvell at Detroit Michigan who has died during her absence The stories with which the press has teemed about her having gone to Europe in company with a gentleman are wholly un bounded She returns of her own accord drawn mainly we believe by a strong desire to see her children Her mind seems to be disordered and it is supposed by her friends that her absence was induced by the strong religious excite ment under which she "has been laboring for some time Courier Dr James Roach of St county Md met with quite a serious accident at Piney Point bn Saturday the 31st ult In attempting to jump from a steamboat to the wharf his foot slipped and he fell with bis whole weight upon the edge of the wharf three of his ribs being broken by the fall I am very respectfully and truly yours WM McARTHUR Lieut and Asst Coast Survey To Professor A Bache Superintendent Coast Survey Washirgton Mr Benjamin Sawyer has obtained a verdict of $2500 damages against the town of Northfield Conn for injuries received by being thrown off a bridge over a deep cut of the Connecticut River Railroad in that town Exporting Peaches to Scotland steamer City of Glasgow which tailed from New York on Saturday for Glasgow took out several baskets of fine New Jersey peaches os an experiment to see how the fruit would keep on the voy age If they reach Scotland safe and sound orders for more will be filled immediately The peaches were picked with the stems on and then these were covered over with wax The New ork Courier of Monday gives the following touching incident exemplifying the strong attachment of do mestic animals to persons who have showed kindness towards them A few days since a personal friend connected with this office had the misfortune to lose his a fine intelligent manly little fellow not quite three years old A King Charles spaniel had been in the habit of playing with him receiving food from his hands and bearing him company in bis rambles and sports While the little boy was sick tho dog wa'ched by his bedside After he died he missed him and wandered all over the house droop ng and sad The second morning after bis death he took his station at the foot of the stairs where be had been accustomed to meet him watched and waited for him in vain for a long time and at last laid him self down upon the lower stair and died Thus fine are the issues to which the nature even of brutes is often ble gold Thia has been taken from the richest portion of the ledge so when you hear of the rich yield of the Mariposa mines you will know how that rich yield was obtained Be lieve nothing you hear from California excepting of course what I write I will try hnd represent things as they are and will keep you informed of all that occurs as far and as frequently as 1 am able Should any of your friends feel disposed to purchase ma chinerv for the purpose of engaging in these mines tell from me that they will make more money by locking a they have in a strong box that tviil at least be caved If gold yielding quartz of good quality exists in California it will be found this summer but unless I siwand examined the ledge myself I would not invest money in the purchase of machinery I have to my satisfaction discovered that you cannot with safety believe any report you hear not even when a specimen" of the quar'z containing gold is exhibited as having come from the place The Colonel is very much mor tified that matters have turned out as they have and is mak ing every exertion to discover what I and a great many others thought from his representations he already knew This letter was written on my knee I have not slept un dressed since I arrived in California (25 days) I have seen what they call tho Elephant trunk tail and all General John Schnierle was elected Mayor of Charleston on the 2d instant bv 1190 votes to 852 for Reynolds Jr and" 637 for "Manigault The mails north of Philadelphia failed to reach that place night before last in time to connect with the train for Baltimore having been detained by an accident at one of the The Agricultural air of the adjoining county of Montgomery in Maryland is held to day at Rockville We understand that great interest is felt by the citizens in its success and that there will be much exhibited worthy of observation It is a short ride and offers to those who can take the time strong inducements to the trip Union eeling in Western Virginia A highly intelligent gentleman of Western Virginia who has enjoyed excellent opportunities of obser vation says the Richmond Republican writes us from Monroe county under date of August 29 The public in this quarter responds most heartily ip every invocation sent up for the preservation the Union and although I have travelled over five counties within the last month and been with the people at different points 'in each county at their public meetings I have yet to meet with one who does not denounce the course of many of our public men who are occupying what they call the Southern APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT By and with the advice and consent of the Senate Lemuel Wilson to be Register of the Land Of fice at Newnansville lorida John Gaines ot Kentucky to be Governor of the Territory of Oregon Buckingham Smith of lorida to be Secretary of Legation to the Mexican Republic Sheward Johnson to be Attorney of the Uni ted States for the District of Delaware The Hon George CrAwford late Secre tary of War has been offered the compliment of a public dinner by his friends at Augusta Georgia He has accepted it and the entertainment is to take place on the 13th instant fllBE I li iooth Loss or a Passenger On riday night last a prison raid to be Daniel Eaton belong ng to Washington fell from the steamer Empire Slate while on the passage from New York to all river and was drowned there being no possibilly of the recovery of his body Ho was on his way Io New Bedford to ship for a whaling voyage The Rev Adonjram Judson DD senior mission ary of the American Baptist Missior ary Union died on the 12th of April last on board the rench barque Aristide Ma rie of Bordeaux bound for the Isle of urbon at the age of 62 Dr Judson left Maultnain on tho 31 of April accom panied by Mr Ranney in compliance with tho direc tions of his physician Mrs would have gone with bir husband but it was at the hazard of her life and he would mt Consent or a day or two hope and fear alternated but betore the pilot left the vessel he felt so much revived as to dictate a message to Mrs Judson expressing a tifi lent belief that he would recover Scarcely however had lhe pilot got off" when he relapsrd and suffered great pain which continued till he was released by death He was buried in the sea on the same evening in latitude north longitude east within the range of islands that run down to the Sraits of Malacca within nine days after the embarkation Dr Judson embarked for the East in 1812 and has thus been more than thirty eight years in the missionary service On I hunday evening last as Mr and Mrs Oldham of Kentucky were crossing the Ohio liver on their way home from Cincinnaii in a skiff" by some accident the skiff was upset and both were drowned Marh osa City Mariposa County Cal July 15 1850 arrived here on the evening of Saturday June 29 Tho party consisted of Col A Mr myself and a hired man all well On Monday we commenced examining the ledge of quartz of which so much has been said in the States Tho examination of the ledge and its various branches and other ledges running parallel with this particular one which appears to be tho most extensive it having been traced far up among the northern mines has occupied our time since our arrival here There is no quartz ledge within twenty miles of this place that has not been subjected to a thorough superfi cial examination by Col A Dr and Mr of rank fort Kentucky and myself and the result is that the only quartz that yields a per centage of gold worth naming is a portion of a ledge about two hundred feet in length at present claimed and worked by a gentleman from the neighborhood of tho Virginia mines Capt of iedericksburg Virginia and the average yield of this portion will not pay the expenses of working it Some particular parts are rich while far the largest portion will not yield five cents per und The aver age yield of two hundred feet will not exceed ten cents per pound which at the present prices of labor will not more than pay for getting the quartz out transportation provisions being very high rom Stockton here distance ninety miles transportation is I believe at present 25 cents per pound "I flour is selling at from thirty to thirty five cents per pound every thing else in proportion lour last winter sold in this place for one dollar and fifty cents per pound During the winter season no travelling can be done owing to the ground becoming so soft that no beast can travel At present every thing is dry and almost burnt up by the sun We brought with us six mules and had to buy grass for them here at tho rate of about ten cents per pound they were disposed of as soon as possible Mr and thtee other gentlemen who composed our par ty when we left San rancisco stopped near San (pro nounced San Hosa for the purpose of examining a rock i which is supposed to contain gold I have not hr ard from them since we parted By the route we travelled I suppose the distance from San rancisco here is very little short of 230 miles it was very fatiguing Jo ride constantly for so many days rom San rancisco to San Jose about fifty miles the road is along lhe plain near the foet of the coast range After about fifteen miles you come into a country covered plain and mountain as far as the eye can reach with wild oats the trees are about the size and have very much the apfrearance of apple i trees and it requires no stretih of the imagination to suppose that one is travelling in a large orchard planted in oats Im mense droves of Cattle feed on these plains large droves ol horses are also kept and run at large most of the cattle are driven up to the ranch of the owner at night We camped one night near a ranch and had just as much milk as we could drink given to us the milk is not as rich as that from cattle raised where green food is plenty The oats are now all ripe and dry and are occasionally Cred the flames running with great rapidity After leaving our patty at San Jose we journeyed pretty briskly each person having a riding mule On Thursday the 27th June we crossed the Contra Costa range at Pachico pass lhe country still had the same appearance After crossing the pass we came to the plains of the San Joaquin (pronounced San Waukeen) which has been represented as the Paradise of California being as has been said so situat ed that it can be irrigated by the waters of the river This is another of the humbugs cf the dayr The plain where wo crosseu is aoout ntteen miles wide We saw water but once after leaving the mountain about three or four miles afttr entering the plains A narrow strip of land immediately on the banks of the river is good and corn or potatoes could be raised extensively back on the plains however the ground is barren and burnt up totally unfit for agricul ture We camped at the ferry on the San Joaquin bting de sirous of getting to the end of our journey We lift next morning before breakfast having been informed that at the distance of twelve miles we would find an American tent we rode on and kept riding and al the distance of twenty live miles came to an American tent about twelve our road was up the Rio Merceda along the plains under the heat of a burning sun felt the want of water very much but were unable to stop and get it to make amends however for our long fast we were served with a bountiful dinner consist ing of ham coffee bread pickles een cucumbers and honey I am certain I never ate so much at one time before Mr carnc very near giving out Col A in company with Dr and a Mexican guide left this for lhe northward on riday last for the purpose of ex amining the various quarlz ledges on the Sonora and Moke lumna and endeavoring to find one place that will pay where the machinery can le located Various and apparent ly authentic reports are at present in circulation to the effect that a very rich quanz ledge has been discovered by seme gentlemen from Sacramento city The location of the ledge is at present unknown except by the company one of whom has gone to the States for the purpose of procuring machi nery It is supposed that this ledge is somewhere in the neighborhood of Sonora or the Sonorian camp Should the Colonel succeed in procuring a location of sufficient richness to pay the machinery will be immediately lecattd and ope rations commenced otherwise for the present at least the project will be abandoned We have at present stopped here The gold yielding quartz of California is one of the great est humbugs of the day The ledges may he rich after they are opened to some depth though here shafts have been sunk alongside tho rock to the depth of twenty to thirty feet and the indications do not show an increase but rather the con trary A gentleman who came out in the employment of Commodore Stockton arrived here a day or two since and after seeing the quartz said that such rock would not be work ed in Virginia he has been engaged in the m'nes in Vir ginia for a number of years and is one on whose word de pendence may be placed At present I would not think of connecting myself or in vesting any money in the operation and if I was the owner of any stock in such concern would endeavor to dispose of my interest as soon as possible I do not think that at pre sent and probably not for a long time to come any thing can be done in the quarlz so far as I have seen What the re sult of Col A expedition may be I am unable to say 1 however very mu doubt whether any of his anticipations will be realized What is most strange is that made the representations he did without ever having himself ex amined the quartz The "specimens" that have been exhi bited in the United States as a fair sample of the quartz is a mistake such specimens are occasionally found though they are no indications of the value of the rock Com Stock ton's agent has been here for the purpose of selecting a loca tion but left without having done so he expects to return again in two or three weeks whelher he will locate here or not I am unable to say company of Washington are here and will I be lieve in the course of the present week engage in working a quicksilver machine on the Mariposa for the purpose of ex tracting the fine gold from the sand and gravel I hat escaped from the rockers of the diggers they are all in good health I have thought that I would go into the digging and have formed a company with two young men Mr of Georgetown and Mr of Washington We are at work about two miles above this place and have but just commenced operations On Saturday we got our first gold the largest lump weighed about three dollars We anticipate making a pretty fair turn out after we get well to work and used to it If I had any means of foiwarding it I would send you tho lump as the first I got Should Col A discover a place to locate his machinery I will of with him Messrs and above referred to have erected a Chilian mill for the purpose of crushing the quartz and will probably be in operation this week The first quartz that is ground will be that seleated from the very best portion of the ledge the consequence will ba a large yield which of course will be represented by the time the account reaches the States as a fair estimate of the ledge on which he is located which is not the case It is thought here by almost every one that he wants to sell out and is taking this plan of getting the largest possible price They have had eight or ten Mexicans engaged for two weeks past quarrying and have selected out of the whole mass quarried about two tons all of which exhibits visi Saya the New York Commercial Advertiser have again to congratulate our readers upon the progress of events at Washington The bill providing for the unconditional admission of California has passed the House of Representatives by a strong vote and has probably before the present hour received the signature of the President The bill for the establishment of a Territorial Government in Utah is also passed The fugitive slave bill alone remains and we incline to think its fate is rather doubt ful We hope however that with some amendments the House will pass it that the South may hereafter bo left entire ly without excuse for agitation or for railing at the North We have always urged that the North should act magnani mously in settling this whole dispute and we think that now there is an obligation upon the free Slates so to The late rench papers contain discouraging letters from the rench emigrants to California One of the Paris papers states that rench cannot cope with the Americans who first are at home and whom nothing stops nor discourages mountains are in their way they are levelled if fires rage new houses are undertaken before the conflagration is at an Beasley Bums Briel Mic! Do Brown Boscoe A Barber Boeton Brown Barron Burnett Brown Beckett Brooks Burrell Ji Butler Bell Hen Benter IBlagden Byiy Barnes Ji Buete si budget iBrown Bartholon Do Brown 4 Brown Barnhill Do Clarke I CruiL Ri I Clements vropley Clements (Clark Jo JandelJ pi Chew jJ Cruttende Do TL Chapin A msa Do De Conl Ss Do Xounell A CfOMev VJT JNO KLBBEY CO sept 4 6teoif No 5 opposite Centre Market BY DYER BROTHER Auctioneers Valuable imfkoved property at Auc tion On riday 13th instant at 5 on the premises we shall sell Lot No 12 in Square No 486 situated on 6th street between and streets having a front of 25 feet and running back feet to a 15 feet alley with the improvements consisting of a twostory brick house and back building The attention of purchasers ot real estate is respectfully in vited as the property herein described must positively be sold Terms One third cash balance in one and two years sat isfactorily secured bearing interest sep 6 DYER be BROTHER Auctioneers District of Columbia to wit WILLIAM BROOKS has applied to the Hon Wm Cranch Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of the Dis trict of Columbia to be discharged from imprisonment under the act for the relief of insolvent debtors within the District of Columbia on the 16lh instant at 10 A in the Court Room when and where his creditors are request ed to attend JNO A SMITH Clerk sept 10 3t Ohio River and Daviess county Land for saiA THE owner being about to remove to Texas offer the following lands 1000 acres lyiri mile llle Ohio river eight miles above well itnnro pleared the balance in woodland pasture Of the idea a 90 acres are in meadow with two hay presses It lie is called the beach woods part of Daviess The Beech? WlUl Pup creek a clear never failing stream runs throoul 01 it abounds in the finest Bjirings On the creek there 811 acres of black bottom as rich as the Ohio bottoms 7' 1: of the land are extremely rich and the remainder of 1 asovtiiiuitig iiuwevtTt pvpiar mcKorv rm The saleable productions of the farm after sunnorti family tor the last four years have averaged over annum under a bad system of culture With per ment it will yield $4000 or the hav brought the rise of $4000 There are many new this part of the country from healthy parts of the 'Cnnwi it uniformly attest to its superior health There is 'N and schools and churches in the imihediate It produces fine blue grass timothy and red clover' stock or dairy farm is admirably suited I nf Incutim nntiaiclina nlJs 1 Jldvsr I 7 lean cheap and of ready sale or shipment lor fat 1 other produce of the farm which aihantag ar' hanced by tne use ot theetectric telegraph these la 1 trinsically as valuable as any in Kentucky ani ils srtia rapid progress of population and am! ihe11 hit value of Daviess lauds it is fair to infer that in a 'ri they will equal in price those of the interior of the Owing to lhe great depth of soil and remoteness crops are rarely affected by drought and farm ii require shoeing A branch ol the Southern Bank 10 wl is now going into operation in J) 4 Triplett Alexander and many other Virginia fatr 1 the neighborhood Also the Tar and White Saliihn 'c 'tl" one of lhe finest watering places Refer toj member of Congress Washington city or addres vington Daviess county Kentucky 0 "leatliJ sep step HVGHIV 1IAWES MADAME CHEGARiYat Boarding and Day School tor Young Ladies Union I1 lace Sew York MADAME CHEGARAY respectfully iufornisthen and guardians of her pupils that her school will U'S opened on Monday Septemb 9 1850 re Terras made known and prospectus furnished on a tion either personally or by letter to the aug tra I EiTBcMLL'IsEWAMb will be paidf rs covet of a small antique silver Teapot it a tre'tv one side and a small plated Waiter stolen from the the subscriber on Saturday evening September 7 A HALL sept 1 1 ol corner ot 3d(atid strery SUGARS 70 hhds strictly prime New Orleans SuvY" 16 do do Porto Hum or sale by ep Stif I seMMES HRo Hams: HAMS HAMP curTdHi for stile low to close consignment by Sep 3tif SEMMES 1JP0 PU BSD ANT ST orbes to the subscriber dated 1st ot 1 Ifp and recorded in Liber VV No 123 folios 585 38f I 388 and 389 one of the land records of Washington cur 1 in the District of Columbia I will offer at public a1e rc premises anti sell the highest bidder the piece or ofgrouid known as lot No 4 of the subdivision of lou i I and 2 in square No 556 in the city of ashniRto 0 Tuesday the 8th day ot October next at 4 Terms of sale Cash to be paid ou the delivery ol tlc Jee? and within seven days after the said sale The undersigned will convey to the purchaser all 1 ti and interest which was conveyed to him in and by th deed of trust aforesaid which is believed tn be indisputable i A HALL Truster DYER Sc BROTHER I srp 12 eo Ajcrioueers BYDYEK BROTHER Auctioneers I SALE 1MROVE1) PKOPE TV On Tuesday evening next the 17th instant at I I shall sell in front of lhe premises bv a I deed of trust from Dickerson Nailor and wile dun eeM in Liber 136 folios 384 585 and JSG oe ol il land records for Washington county Lot No 2i' in squi" No 367 and improvemnts fronting on 9th street betw'e and streets north Terms of sale: One fourth cash balance in one and tv years lor notes satisfactorily secured bearing interest CALLAN Trustee septi Union DYER BROTHER Aua ACAttU A Lady educated in England who is th roughly skilled in the science ot Music Singing sl speaks the rench language in all its purity having with the best masters and who is competent to give instr tion in all the branches of an accomplished education is desir ous to find a situation either in a school or private iamilya instructress Respectable testimonials tri ven on aunlication bv letter post paid to elix ouchbre Mobile Alabama aug 7 3t OT1CL5 The undersigned takes pleasure in aunouncisf to the Merchants of Washington that the time for uliict he contracted to notify them of lhe setting of the sun by ring ing a bell has expired and hopes by the punctuality alvsH shown in the performance of his duty the Merchants will be as punctual in paying up when called upon according to their agreement He would also beg leave to return his thanks for the liberal natronaire extended to him as Porter and hones bv strict sM tention to business to continue to share the patronage and con fidence oi the public The obedient servant MCHOLKS WAftNKH He is also prepared to furnish at the shortest notice Li juii Blacking of a very superior quality at wholesale or retail Srp 11 St By virtue of an order for distress and to ne I 1 directed I shall expose to public salex for cash on Sa turday next the 14th September I85'J opposite the Centre Market house in the City of Washing'on at 9 A AL the following goods and chattels to wit: 8 Water Buckets one Barrel five Corn Brooms part of barrel Her rings part of barrel Mackerel five Lunins Suear three train Scalesand Weights one tin can and part of bag Shot nine pieces of Stone Ware three empty Boxes half" peck Mvasort Bucket and Rice eight pieces Rope one barrel co tpiuing I Sugar one Sack one sack Salt three Chambers oae B't I 30 Plates 14 Pitchers one Saw two Shoulders of Bacon I Cups an 1 Saucers 14 small Mugs 13 Glass Tumblers sb I I ea Pots seven Bowls five Glass Salts 11 bars Soap prtof I a barrel Vinegar part of barrel ot Molassess five Sbo I Glasses and contents one Show Case containing a variety ot I small articles 10 papers Tea nine papers of Pepper Lurl papers Coffee one dozen papers of Tacks two boxes ofBul 1 tons lot of Lead Pencils lot of Pipes small lot Nuttncgtl 2 lbs Tobacco three tin Measures one unnel two small! boxes Mustard one Box and five stone Bottles seized anc I taken for house rent due and in arrears by James Stoops It I Cornelius Boyle and will be sold to satisfy the same I sept 3t BURR Bailiff I IJBATHS On Saturday last after a long and painful illness which she bore with a singular resignation and fortitude Mrs SA RAH LITTLE youngest daughter of the late Jos Dough xrty in the 4 tith year of her age On lhe 1 Olh instant in ail fax county Virginia after a long and pa'nful illness which she bore with Christian fortitude and resigtint on Mrs BURCH wife of Mr Wm 8 Burch of this city On lhe 29th of August in Tuscumbia (Alabama) Dr ALEXANDER SPOT WOOD MOORE in the 6 1st year i of his age Dr was born in King county Vir I ginia on the 10th day of October 1789 He was a graduate of the Medical School in Philadelphia and as a successful practitioner while he attended to the duties of bis profession had few if any superiors In Saline county Missouri on the 27th cf Angus' Col BENJAMIN CHAMBERS in the 87lh year cf bis age Col Ciiamhehs was born in Pennsylvania near Cham ber burg and at the age of sixteen entered the army of the Revolution and served in the regiment of Pennsylvania vo lunteers commanded ly his father After the close of the Revolution he emigrated West and setiled in Indiana and for the last thirty years has resided in Missouri He had the friendship and confidence of many distingu shed men of lhe country and at various limes held important military' and civil appointments under the early Presidents On Tuesday the 10th instant Julia Mabtina daughter of Patrick A and Maiiy Byrne aged 11 months and 20 days Hi funeral will take plac To day at 4 The smallest prize is $55 The next drawing takes place irrevocably on the 1st of De cember 1850 The price of the Shares is as follows One share for 5 I Six shares for 25 Thirty do 108 Sixty five do 200 Remittances can be made in bank notes bills or drafts on Europe hcc Each shareholder will receive free of expense the prospectus with full particulars and after the rawing the list oi the successful numbers which will also be published in the leading journals The prizes will be paid in cash at ranltfbrt on the Maine Vienna Pai is Lxjnuon New York or New Orleans Apt ly without delay to Mori Stiebel Sons bankers and merchants rankfort on the Maine Germany orthose who prefer it can direct their letters to the care of Messrs Stie bel 8c Co merchants No 32 Nicholas lane Lombard street London Remittances which arrive too late will be returned to the sender or if he prefers it stares for the following Dis tribution will be forwarded sep 12 LATEST ROM EUROPE The Telegraph communicatea the subjoined items of foreign intelligence brought by the steamed Jlsia which arrived at New York yesterday Louis PhiliPpe late King of rance died on the 26th August at his residence in Claremont He had been made aware of his approaching end early on the preceding day in presence of the Queen and prepared for it with great composure After At st having a conversation with the Queen he dictated with remarkable clearness a conclusion to his memoirs He then caused to be summoned his chaplain and all his children and grandchildren that were at Claremont and in the presence of the Queen and family he discharged every duty of re ligion with perfect Christian resignation Towards seven in the evening the fever came on which continued during the night with much vio lence and he expired at eight on Monday morniqg in presence of the Queen and family among whom were the duch*ess of Orleans the Count de Paris the Duke de Chartres the Duke and duch*ess de Nemours the Prince and Princess de Joinville the Duke and Dutchess the duch*ess Augusta ol Saxe Coburg and the other attendants of the royal family The Peace Congress is in session at rankfort on the Maine Copway the Indian chief was pre sent and made a speech Mr Elihu Burritt and Einile Girardin and also Gen Haynau (who Cob tleisays is his convert to peace) were present At Rome lhe conspirators against the Pope have renewed the practice of throwing explosive balls at his Holiness while in his fringe Several persons suspected have been arrested Nothing else of interest The New rk Journal of Commerce states that on Wed nesday last not less than 80000 baskets of peaches reached that market by railroad and steamboats One steamer land ed a cargo of more than 10000 baskets The beautiful edifice in Mobila known as the Banking House of the Branch of lhe Btate Bank of Alabama was sold on the 19th ult for $25000 Hope Blatter Esq was the purchaser The Sh Eeit er dsto Bhiiigk The bridge across lhe Potomac at Shepherdstown Virginia has just been comple ted and is now ready for travel The Martinsburg Gazette says lhat it is constructed of durable materials upon the most approved plan and has been pronounced by Mr isk engi neer one of the most substantial and best bridges in that part of the coun'ry At uui rTAL The case of Unpt Dawson commander of tho steamer Virginia a western for the explosion of which he was indicted on the charge of manslaughter was brought to a close on Saturday last in lhe District Court at Wheeling The jury after an absence of about an hour relumed a verdict oi Not The case has been long per ding and has excited a good deal of interest We regret to learn from the Shepherdstown (Va) Regis ter lhat the Cholera after disappearing has again commen ced its havoc at Harper's erry It has reappeared with in creased violence many deaths having occurred on riday night and Saturday last some 8 or 10 The Delaware Gazette states that lhe seven slaves who some time since ran away from Mr Calvert of Prince county Maryland applied at lhe watch house fir lodgings tn that city a few nights since slating that they bad bren to Pennsylvania wete tired of freedom and were trying to get back le their master They stated that they had been decoyed by a person whose name they did not know Dancing Academy CA RUSI has the honor to inform his former pupils and the Ladies and Gentlemen of Washington and vicinitv that his Dancing Academy will be re opened on Tuesday' the 1st of October proximo is now prepared to give lossons in all the latest and most fashionable dances which have been introduced since the last season A Subscription Book for the entrance of Ladies and Gentle men is opened at lhe Saloon or hours of instruction terms Stc apply at the Saloon 7" Private lessons given Academies and extra classes attend ed to The Saloon is in complete repair well lighted with gas and will be rented on moderate terms for Concerts or Ex hibitions sep 12 6t A GARDEN A married man uts a situation as gardener who has a general knowledge of the business and could give the very best references as to character Sec He has no doubt from long and successful experience both in England and America of his capacity to give general satis faction or would take a single place if offered Ad dress A post paid through lhe post office city of Wash ington or at the corner of 4 street and Virginia avenue and punctual attention will be given sep 12 3t A CAKD The attention of the public is respectfully re quested to the sale of excellent Household urniture he to be made at the late residence ot the Hon Pres ton situate on street between 17th and 18th streets The family carriage belonging to the late President has been sold at private sale The other carriages wine ic will be sold as per advertisem*nt We shall sell at the same tirae a bay Mare five years old a superior riding animal warranted perfectly soun I and gentle sep 12 DYER tk BROTHER Aucts ILK! ILK schooner! rancis A Godwin and James Barrett with cargoes 1 52 and 171 tons of No 1 Boston Ice sep 1 JNO PETTIBONE OK SALE The subscriber offers for sale the JL arm upon which he now resides being about three miles from Washington and lying in Virginia on the road leading from Georgetown tu Alexandria containing sixty one acres or further particulars inquire of Selby Parkers an cy Store Pennsylvania avenue near National Hotel or Aborts corner ol and 18ih streets or of the subscriber on lhe premises JOS RASER NEW September an additional supply this dav received TAYLOR MAURY 8tP Booksellers near 9ih street PAR OR AND THREiciAMBEKS TcTiYet six doors from the National Hotel over ancy Store elegantly furnished Inquire at ancy and Perfumery Store sep 12 3t Union Pa a near National Hotel JpOR SALE OR RENT a two story brick house with JC basem*nt and attic situated near tne Navy Yard gate containing two large dry cellars parlor sitting and dining rooms on first fl or three chambers on second floor and three chambers in attic besides a good kitchen with sleeping room above There is also attached a stable and car age huuse and a fine lot for gardening This property will be sold on accommodating terms or rented tn a good tenant trom its close proximity to the Yard it is well adapted as a boarding house for workmen employed in lhe Yard and there is no doubt a sufficient number could be at all times readily obtained A good amily Horse and Carriage for sale Inquire oi WM ELLIS Navy Yard sep 12 eo3t DRAWN NUMBERS ot Susquehauua Caual lot tery of Maryland Class No 41 22 8 7 47 67 46 45 75 56 70 72 20 12 PAINE 8c CO Managers OR he three story dwelling house and lot of ground situated on lhe east side of 14th street between and streets is of fered fur sale The house is situated in a business and rapid ly improving part of the city and contains ten rooms two of which arc in the basem*nt or terms impure of Reed at the southeast corner of and 14th streets sept 7 eotf OB REKT a three story brick House long es tabhahed as a hotel and boarding house situated on bi' J' 'J street north between 13th and 14ih streets con taining fourteen rooms besides basem*nt and kitchen Part of the urniture can be obtained together with lhe Bar ixtures Possession may be had by the first of October The subscriber has likewise for sale a good Wagon and Barouche sep ABRAHAM BUTLER frOK BALE OR TO LET two thiee story brick houses pleasantly situated in lhe irst Ward One or two suits of rooms at the Q1 Jichmnt Also for sale that beautiful work of Ornithology in 9 volumes and completed by Lucien Bonaparte making 12 volumes in all Wanted a young lad able to wait in the Restaurant and bar room and also a well qualified oyster shucker of good re commendation for his honesty and sober habits sep 2aw3w BOULANGER THE AMERICAN The Undersigned I being a native of lhe city of London and having resided in lhe city of Washington for the last ten years and in the United States twen'y being about to return to London respectfully offers "bis services as agent to such mechanicsand manufactur ers ot lhe United States as may be disposed to send goods to the Great Industrial Exhibition of the world to be held in London May 1st 1851 pledging himself to have them placed in the exhibition according to the rules adopted by the Royal Commissioners Also to the repacking aad reshipping such goods as the own ers may feel disposed to have returned to the United States The party will remain in Washington till the last of Sep tember THOMAS CORNOCK street Washington Reference Wm Todd Esq All letters for information must positively be pos Raid aug eoltn MA8ONIC "lhe Brethren of Washington (Alexan dria) Lodge No 22 and Lafayette Lodge No 67 of the city of Alexandria irginia will perform the interesting ceremo nial ol laying the corner stone of the new place of worship of the Church South This Evening at 4 and would fraternally invite the presence and aid of their breth ren of the District ofJolumbia whether resident or sojourn ing As it is expected a distinguished member of the Senate will perform the ceremony aid deliver an appropriate ad dress Hie attention of such of the brotherhood as are members of either house of Congress is particularly directed to this laet W1LUAM SAGE Marshal Tr The Masonic Erater oity of thls city and sojourii ing brethren are respectfully requested to meet with Leba non Lodge No 7 at Masonic Hall corner of and 10th streets on Thursday the 12lh instant at 1 to unite with Lodges in Alexandria in the ceremonies of laying a corner stone on that day agreeably to a vote of the Masonic meeting holden at Masonic Hall last evening A committee uill make arrangements for the comfortable conveyance of those who may unite on the occasion sep 2t CUNNINGHAM Master No 7 JO Agricultural air at Rockville Maryland The two large Omnibuses and cf the Union Line will leave the National Hotel at 7f A on Thursday the 12th for Rockville returning will leave Rockville at 5 are the round trip $1 50 sep 2t REEsIDE 1 VANDERWERKEN WANTED a youth of good character abiut 16 or 18 years of age to attend in a dry goods store one ac quainted with the business would be preferred Address A at this office sep 3t EW' AND 'iTeAUTIUL Tfie subscri bers lake great pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Washington Alexandria and Georgetown that they are now daily receiving the largest and most beautiful assortment of dress and other goods that have ever been brought to this city and respectfully request their early attention in order to se cure the first choice CLAGETT NEWTON MAY St CO sept Stif (Union) Great electoral hessian state Dollars This Loan is guarantied by the Government and contracted by the eminent Banking House of Messrs A von Rothschild Sons in rankfort on the Maine The following capital Prizes must be gained viz Adttns Adam Adams Ayler Adatm Alien Adam! Acton AdanM chang Ander Atkina Adelphi De De Dei Do De) Do Do Donderse Do Arth Andrew Andersc Do Adolph Abert Alexanc Byrne Brown Birth 1 Burrow Barker HjBoyle 1 rashes i Kurnett lyBrent JBeall 1 Da Brown Bean Barnes Do Bateman Buckley Brown Boone Do Bean Do Bruce Butler I Do Do Brown Brereton Bacon Bseschlii Do Brown 1 Ballenge Bird Briscoe Bryant Blagden 1 Brown 1 Burks I Buber Brooks Bayliss Barr Burgess Bargees Buckner Brown Brown Ballinger Barrett Bates Do Do Brooks Bohlayer Barrett 1 Do Barnes Do Bond Jot Banks I er IB udon a iBell Wm Brashears 'Brent Eli Do Benner Brown a Bean Wt BY DYER BROTHER Auctioneer? Extensive sale of rich cabinet other Housebold urniture On Thursday morn ing 12th instant at 10 we shall sell at the tesiduuxB Bacha A ot me non it rreston late Secretary ot the Navy all nil splendid urniture and Household Effects Jzc viz One superior rosewood Piano Walnut velvet covered tete a tete Sofas Do do parlor Chairs Mahogany do arm and rench Chairs Rosewood Louis XIV oval Table Mahogany glass front Gothic Book Cases Do Secretary and Book Case Satin Damask covered Lounges Mahogany marble top Centre tables Do do Sideboard Do dining and side Tables Splendid piate Mantel Mirror Two 12 light lacquered and and gold Chandelier Gilt Brackets and plated Candle Branches China Vases bronze ire Set Suits of Window Curtainsand Gilt Cornices Mahogany Mirror Ilatiaik Tea Poys Brussels tbree piy and ingrain Carpets Hair cane and wood seat Chairs Walnut Wardrobes rench Bedsteads Do dresing Bureaus and Washstands Easy and Rocking Chairs Rugs Toilet Sets eather Beds Hair and shuck Mattresses Bedding rench China gold band dinner dessert aud Tea Sen Table Cutlery a large assortment of elegant Cut GU" ware together with a good supply of Kithen llequisit's' Terms Overthirty dollars a credit of two and four months for notes satisfactorily secured bearing interest At one By order of Col Wm Bliss a ministrator the following articles belonging to the estate a the late President viz 1 close family Carriage built to order by Ogle uf delphia 1 second hand Hackney Coach 1 set superior double Harness with extra bits 1 handsome Barouche Carriage for one or two horses Two pairs summer and winter Horse Covers Also eighteen dozen table Claret sept (Union) DYER Sc BROTIIEK Acls' BY'C wTBOTELEKTAuetioneer SALE BELONGING cy Articles Perfumery Skc at Aucti01lTnk Thursday moniing September 12 commencing at 1 oc( A I shall sell at Hair dressing tional Hotel a general assortment of goods suitable lor tiemen consisting in part Silk and satin Scarfs aud Cravats Silk and merino Shirts and Drawers Suspenders Shoulder Braces Dressing Cases Shaving Soaps and Creams Kid worsted and silk Gloves Canes and Umbre Tooth nail and hair Brushes Kaor Strops Superior linen and cotton Shirts Dressing Gow'is Port nnnaies Pocket books Cigar Cases ine tooth dressing and pocket Combs Qg Also a choice lot of Extracts Hair Oils lognes together with a large assortment of goods not i meessary to particularize including a large lot ot Mr brated frame back and Ro vniim Razors selectc Gibbs with rpat Kpt factories i no' ui tuD at amcep fft A i I 1 1 I II 6 1 14 prizes of $40000 60 prizes of 22 do $36000 60 do 24 do 32000 1 20 do 60 do 8000 180 do.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.