Related Papers
Journal of Economics, Management and Trade
Monetary Policy and the Real Economy: A Study of the Manufacturing and Services Sectors in Nigeria
Olumuyiwa Olamade
This study examined the effect of monetary policy on the real sector of the Nigerian economy. A model was specified for each of the manufacturing and services sectors to interrogate the effect of monetary policy on the real sector. Annual data were sourced from the World Development Indicators for 1981 to 2017. Preliminary tests of the time series properties suggested the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) regression as the most appropriate framework for the achievement of our objectives. Diagnostic tests of the distribution of regression errors confirmed the satisfaction of all necessary regression assumptions. The models were also found stable over the study period. Thus, the models adequately represented the problems formulated for investigation and good for valid inference. While all the four channels of monetary transmission considered were found significant for value-added expansion in manufacturing, the exchange rate channel was not a significant factor in value-added chan...
Brac University
Implementation of policies directing capital market investment in Bangladesh: pandemic 2020
2020 •
zakia zakir
Public Expenditure Multipliers in recessions. Evidence from the Eurozone
2018 •
Andrea Boitani
During the sovereign debt crisis, many Euro countries have deployed \austerity packages" implementing structural reforms and cutting government spending. Such policies should have led to an initial decline in GDP followed by recovery and a reduction of the debt to gdp ratio. Key to this outcome is the size and sign of expenditure multipliers when the economy is in a recession. We estimate, for the Eurozone countries, expenditure multipliers in recession and expansion using the linear projection approach and forecast errors to identify exogenous expenditure shocks. The empirical evidence suggests that, in a recession, an increase in government spending will be e ective in boosting aggregate demand, crowding-in private consumption in the shortto- medium run, without raising the debt to gdp ratio but rather decreasing it. The opposite applies in expansions. Estimates also show that expenditure multipliers, in a recession, are larger in high debt/defict countries than in low debt/d...
Finance-dominated capitalism in Germany – deep recession and quick recovery
Daniel Detzer
Germany’s recent export successes and the fast recovery from the 2007 -2009 crisis made it Europe’s “economic superstar” in public opinion. This paper interprets the German performance against the background of financialisation. After an examination of the pre-crisis demand and growth regime, the focus is on how financialisation has contributed to the German ‘export-led mercantilist’ regime. The paper focuses subsequently on the determinants of the German current account balance, to then interpret the development of Germany during the financial and economic crisis and the causes for the quick recovery in light of the previous analysis.
The Fiscal and Monetary Policies and Environment in GCC Countries: Analysis of Territory and Consumption-Based CO2 Emissions
Asim Iqbal, PhD
Expansionary monetary and fiscal policies are necessary for economic and environmental development. The present research studies the impact of monetary policy and fiscal policy on Territory-Based CO2 (TBC) and Consumption-Based CO2 (CBC) emissions in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies from 1990–2019. The cointegration is corroborated through various tests, and long-term relationships are found in both TBC and CBC models. Government expenditures have long-term positive effects on both TBC and CBC emissions and short-term positive effects on TBC emissions in the region. Money supply negatively affects the TBC and CBC emissions in the long run and positively affects TBC and CBC emissions in the short run. Hence, monetary policy needs a long time to have positive ecological effects in the GCC region. Moreover, fiscal policy in both the long and short run and monetary policy in the short run have scale effects in GCC economies. Therefore, we recommend reducing fiscal measures and e...
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
Sectoral productivity in Hungarian economy: an input-output linkages approach
2019 •
Tahira Yasmin
With the pace of economic development, many changes exist on production and consumption side. The study attempts to re-investigate the production structure change in Hungarian economy by ranking sectors. We used the latest input-output table for 2011 available by OECD. The study employed the Leontief model for demand side for forward linkages indices, while supply side for backward linkages indices to examine the ranking sectors structure changes. Findings has shown that on demand and supply side key sectors stand as prominent sectors such as manufacturing, metals, wholesale and retail trade and telecommunications. New evidence is found that Hungary economy need to have careful planning in order to attract FDI as hub of investment. There is also utmost importance to promote education to have human capital in order to meet long term challenges. Lastly, country still have high global competitiveness which shed light on its new economic policies as readiness towards technical innovati...
Scandinavian Economic History Review
Unnecessary radicalism the limits of economic ideas in political thinking
2022 •
Elisabeth Lindberg
This article analyses late 1960s’ and early 1970s’ policy debate on issues concerning balance of payments in Sweden. Part of this debate was the question of fiscal austerity as a tool to achieve external balance, and if it could be used without risking economic and social unrest. The aim is twofold: first to empirically shine new light on modern Swedish economic policy in a historic context. Second to theoretically explore new ways of interpreting the relationship between political thinking and economic ideas. Special focus within the second aim are the consequences of political thinking on Keynesian economic ideas as a framework of economic understanding at the time. The study is qualitative in its methods and pays attention to limits within the relationship between economic policymaking and economic expertise. The article highlights conflicting perspectives on Keynesian ideas and the heterogeneity of these perspectives among economic experts. A heterogeneity of this kind is also shown to complicate the assumed close relationship between Social Democracy and Keynesianism in a historic context. In essence, the article shows that studying policy debates in close historic detail makes for new conclusions on the development of modern economic ideas and the part political thinking plays in it.
Journal of Economics, Management and Trade
Recall the Impact of the Covid – 19 Virus in Indonesia: Regional Perspective
andik pratama
The Covid-19 virus has brought about fundamental changes to economic activity both on a macro and micro scale. The COVID-19 virus is a global epidemic that affects global, national, and regional economic stability. This article is a type of opinion article, the purpose of this study is to describe and review the state of the Indonesian economy on a regional scale at the time of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Research objects include; Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City, East Java Province. This type of research is exploratory and data analysis method using descriptive analysis. The sampling method was carried out using a simple random sampling method for groups of farmers, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, informal workers, and the household sector. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. The results of the study show that each area analyzed tends to have the same results in several indicators, some economic indicators tend to decline during a pan...
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting
Fiscal Policy and Inflation in Nigeria
Idongesit Udoh
Aims: This study aims to analyze how Nigerian government activities impact inflation, considering the inadequacy of monetary policy. It focuses on recurrent and capital expenditures in various sectors and their influence on inflation, as well as public debt and tax revenue's role in inflation dynamics. Study Design: The study employed secondary data. Place and Duration of Study: Data sources include the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin, Debt Management Office (DMO), and World Development Indicators (WDI) spanning from 1986 to 2021 Methodology: The study employs econometric techniques, including unit root tests and Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) analysis, with Inflation Rate (IFL) as the dependent variable. Independent variables representing fiscal policy include capital expenditure on transfers (CTRA), recurrent expenditure on administration (RADM), recurrent spending on social and community services (RSCS), recurre...
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Catching Up with the Leaders: The Irish Hare
2002 •
Patrick Honohan